Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

5 Reasons to Take a Digital Detox

Real Talk. For the past few weeks, I've been feeling like a Debbie Downer. It's a funk I just can't seem to get out of. Part of me knows some of it is being caused by general stress and life situations I can't always control. You know, those crazy life situations that wreak havoc on my anxiety. On the other hand, part of me knows that some of the feelings have been caused by my digital consumption. There is always something going on that is upsetting, plays into anxious feelings, or just becomes completely overwhelming. I feel like I've studied social media so much throughout my time in school that I should know better. There is something to be said about the effects digital consumption has on us especially when it comes to social media.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

WTF Wellness: Grounding

A few months ago it seemed like everyone was throwing around their most trendy wellness tips, and one of the most popular, especially according to Hollywood, was grounding. No, it's not the kind we used to get as disobedient kids, but rather, exactly as it sounds: creating balance via the ground. Grounding, or Earthing, is using the ground and it's natural electrical current to balance out your body. It made me super curious because we didn't really talk about that in Earth Science so I decided to do a little research on Grounding.

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