Let's Talk About...2021 Wellness Trends

Everywhere you look there is some kind of television segment or article about this year’s biggest “trends” and wellness was no different. I quite literally heard a segment just this morning on a talk show as I went to change the channel. You the drill, once they stop talking about legitimate news, I’m out. But I digress. Let’s chat about the wellness trends, shall we?

Wellness trends always fascinate me and I will read just about any article about them. Why? Because, of course, I’m a convert to wanting to be healthy and live my best life as my best self, but also because some of them are just crazy insane. So crazy insane that I can’t imagine anyone doing them at all. Naturally, there are the typical ones like being more mindful of setting micro-goals rather than lofty ones. But then there are the ones that appear on Goop that just make sense, but you’ll never do it. I won’t do it. But do I love Goop still? Most definitely.

Here are a few of my favorites that I saw through various articles that I think we worthy of knowing and even taking up into practice this year.

Mindful Eating

Being mindful in general is a practice that should be a part of your life. But when it comes to eating especially during a pandemic, we can all be less than mindful of what we are consuming and how much we are consuming. In 2020 there was a rise in staying away from restrictive diets especially diets that focused on one particular element such as carbs and that will likely continue into this year. We should all be using more of the food we would typically throw away like vegetables in order to be more sustainable in addition to caring about our overall health. Food insecurity is at the worst it has been in years so making sure to utilize more of the resources will not only fight food waste but will lessen the impact on the environment. It goes without saying, if you are lucky enough to not be food insecure, consider giving to organizations that help to feed those who aren’t. And consider purchasing your food from places like Imperfect Foods.

Getting “Cali Sober”

Just the term “Cali Sober” is enough to get my attention. Being “Cali Sober” means not drinking but enjoying cannabis instead. Is weed a wellness practice? I guess that’s a personal preference since it’s properties, just like alcohol, react differently for everyone. Benefits of cannabis usage include stimulating the immune system to fight stress and better sleep which has so many more benefits including healthy skin. More and more places are making cannabis recreational and easier to get in many forms. The science base dosages and edibles mean that its popularity has expanded and it’s become a gigantic part of the wellness lexicon. And if you’re not ready to embrace it, there are many CBD-infused products including rollerballs and even sparkling water like Recess.

Metaphysical Guidance

Back in the early 2000s, I was newly a teenager and somehow convinced my parents I needed to get a set of Tarot cards from Borders. It was edgy at the time, but now tarot, crystals, and astrology are at the forefront of wellness. Have you had a TikTok Tarot Reader experience yet? They are thrilling and yet make you question how you could be needing to hear the exact same message as 15.9k other people. These guidance tools really are interesting whether you believe in them or not. People want to learn about them and experience them. Turning to them is like looking for support in what you’re going through and trying to find the answers you’re looking for. Tarot, crystals, and astrology really let people reach levels of their intuition they need to live the life they want rather than the life they think they should. I don’t know why but I’m obsessed with it. Maybe because the messages I need to hear right now come right to me and somehow they always seem to be right on point.

Safer Salons

I saw this one and was completely enthralled by it. Self-service wellness practices like float tanks and cryo treatments have surged in popularity because they are things that can be done with little to no interaction with others, unlike typical spa treatments. But what about salon services? Starring By Ted Gibson is the salon of the future and it looks pretty damn cool. The celebrity hairstylist’s salon has become an experience. From the time the client enters the space their only point of contact is their stylist. There are no products to shop and all of the services are done in individual semi-private pods that can be programmed to suit the mood. How freaking cool is that? Of course, his salon is taking on these safety protocols but it’s only a matter of time before others follow suit.

Cold Therapy

I saw “Cold Therapy,” the Wim Hof method in particular, on the Goop Lab last year. There are many benefits to cold therapy including speeding up the metabolism, reducing inflammation, swelling, and sore muscles. It also helps sleep, increases focus and improves the immune response. This is one wellness trend that anyone can do because it’s a simple as taking a cold shower or an ice bath. There is much to be said about the Wim Hof method both good and bad, and of course, just jumping into an ice bath can be fairly dangerous. But as a general consensus, many people find a cold shower pretty invigorating.


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