It's Time to Embrace "Snack" Lunches

I have professed my love for meal prep countless times before, but lately, I’ve become so bored with my lunches. I was a die-hard salad fan and would constantly be on the hunt for new salads whether it was recreating one I had at a restaurant or coming up with a new one. I switched to grain bowls but quickly those got old too even if they made my stomach feel so much better. And that is when I saw the concept of a “lunch” board. It’s basically a charcuterie board…for lunch.

For years people have said to create “grazing” boards for snacking all day long rather than stuffing your face all day. Granted, that’s a really good idea for children because it lets them eat more nutritious foods without much thought because they are just out there waiting for consumption, but I never thought of doing it for myself. Charcuterie boards are basically adult Lunchables, right? More delicious ones I’ll admit, but still the same concept. Since I’m a bit bored of my lunches I went in search of delicious boards that would make pretty delicious lunches when broken down into individual portions. This would take away my lunchtime boredom AND enable my current love of snacking rather than having full meals.

Here are a few of the boards that have caught my eye and I’m looking forward to adapting to my new adult Lunchables.


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