5 Wellness Rituals I Tried and Actually Kept Up


There has been a wellness revolution over the past few years. As a result, I’ve tried my fair share of wellness trends. I, like many people, are always looking for the next thing that is going to get me looking and feeling my best. Some of them have been utterly ridiculous and thankfully those went to the wayside. I even cringe just thinking about the conversations I’ve had telling people about my latest and greatest thing. But, there are a few I’ve really kept around almost…religiously.

I guess the most important thing I need to mention about wellness rituals is no two people are alike. What works for one may not work for another nor will the results be the same. That stems from the obvious as well as the fact that much of it is open to personal belief. Like I said, I’ve gotten many eye rolls over the years and some things just aren’t for people. Totally fine. But here are 5 of the ones I’ve kept up over the years.

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Tongue Scraping

Taking care of my teeth and my mouth has always been a huge deal to me. I hate the dentist so the less I have to spend there, the better. Tongue scraping just makes your mouth feel cleaner. But it’s also part of Ayurvedic self-care rituals because the tongue is believed to be a road map for the entire body. Each different area of the tongue corresponds to various organs and parts of the body so by scraping and activating those areas you’re releasing toxins. Toxins not only lead to bad breath but can lead to other issues and the ability to taste.

BOKA Tongue Scraper

Wellness Shots

If you’ve been reading this blog or following me for a while you may know I actually made my own wellness shots for a period of time. But I’ll be honest, I prefer picking them up at my local shop while picking up my groceries. Wellness shots are basically smaller versions of cold-pressed juices. They come with a variety of intended purposes like boosting immunity (a must heading into cold/flu season!), detoxing, and more. They pack a ton of nutrients into a little tiny package. It’s a win/win especially if you can’t handle an entire cold-pressed juice.

Dry Brushing

This is my favorite and honestly one of the easiest to keep up with once you’ve gotten used to the feeling. Dry brushing entails taking a dry brush, like this one, and rubbing it up your body and to your heart center. It eliminates dead skin cells and rejuvenates the nervous system. Dry brushing enhances blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and increases organ functionality. It allegedly helps with cellulite, but that as I’ve seen from various other dry brushing loyalists, that is really hit or miss. Honestly, you’re likely to be the only person to notice or not but I wouldn’t go into dry brushing as a cellulite solution. I love how it makes my skin look and feel including getting rid of little imperfections only I notice.

Face Rolling

Face rolling is everywhere, and it’s one of the things I put off trying for the longest time. But I’ll admit I’m a convert and do it every day. Face rolling decreases puffiness and soothes the skin. Improves blood circulation in the face which increases the glow. Face rolling not only helps apply products better but it helps provide more nutrients and oxygen to the skin while draining fluids. I personally love how it helps my sinuses and makes my skin look.

A Water Timer

“Why do you need a timer to tell you when to drink water? Drink when you’re thirsty.” I’ve heard this a billion times. But have you ever had one of those days where you’re going a thousand miles an hour, working all day, and barely forget to drink water? I have. More than I’d like to admit actually. SO I use a water timer via an app to remind me when to drink. Not only do I use the timer, but I log my water intake in my Fitbit app. Obsessive? Maybe. But when I use the timer to ensure I’m drinking enough water and calculating the water I obviously drink more water. The amount of times I reach my recommended daily intake is far higher than on days when I wing it. Do you really even need to know the benefits of being fully hydrated?!

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