Q&A: How Do You Stay Hydrated During the Summer?


I’m guessing this question was sent to me by someone who isn’t a big fan of drinking water. Which, to be fair, i completely understand. Why drink water when wine and Diet Coke exist in the world? It’s quite boring sometimes. I do drink water 95% of the time save the other instances I just mentioned. So how exactly do I keep hydrated in consecutive 100+ degree temperatures from May to October?

Drink Water First Thing in the Morning

I always keep a glass (or bottle) of water right next to my bed. I might get thirsty during the night, but it’s mainly for when I wake up. I know coffee is LIFE but try putting water first. Drinking water first thing rehydrates the body after a long night’s sleep. It also kicks the body into gear for the rest of the day encouraging more water consumption later on. This is a great time to add a kick of lemon to warm water which stimulates the metabolism and boosts the immune system.

Keep Water In Your Sights

Keeping a bottle of water visible throughout the day encourages consumption. I sit at a desk for a majority of my day so keeping a very large bottle in front of me is an inescapable visual trigger I need to drink more. I also keep a bottle of water on me at all times. I take large bottles to the gym and other bottles of sparkling or still water with me wherever I go. This helps combat the effects of the heat meanwhile keeping me hydrated.

Use An App

When all else fails turn to tech. There are high tech water bottles and apps that encourage water drinking throughout the day. One of my health apps sends me reminders at random points throughout the day to drink water so when I feel a little off my game, I can get back right on track. Apps like Waterlogged and even FitBit keep track of water consumption throughout the day (if you remember to update them at least). Every time I finish a bottle or glass, I remember to jot it down in my app. This helps me reach a daily water goal (and sometimes exceed it!)

Another solid hydration tip is eating water-filled foods. Increasing your intake of watermelon, celery, strawberries, or cucumbers is a delicious way of subtly getting hydrated. Other suggestions I have are electrolyte tabs, switching to flavored water, or spicing things up with sparkling water when regular water gets a little boring. Even I have some Pellegrino with lime on the daily.

It’s key to remember dehydration has serious effects on the body. It can cause breakouts, skin dryness, fatigue and even poor brain function. Ultimately, drinking more water can help metabolic rate, maximize workouts, and help the body from retaining excess fluid.

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