3 Wellness Rituals I Swear By

One may think or feel like wellness has just been one giant buzzword. There may even be a lot of trends or rituals that feel like they are a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. I kind of agree with that last thought but I’m also a sucker for trying wellness trends. I think part of the reason I love to try things out is the same reason they become a thing in the first place - we are all just looking for ways to be healthy, happy, and feel better. I know I started yoga and meditation a few years ago because a relationship was making me feel not like myself. Thoughts, feelings, and situations would make the world feel so much heavier than it should so adding these two simple practices helped me sort through difficult things and find a little peace. Things just kinda escalated from there and juices, health shots, clean beauty, the whole works just became an important part of my life.

If you’ve been reading this blog for years, you may know I’ve tried many a wellness “trend” or idea, and there have been definitely a few that have gone to the wayside. Luckily, whether you’re a wellness skeptic or a total novice, there are 3 pivotal wellness practices I swear by. They are probably considered entry level, but I think what makes them so pivotal is they work, they are easy to implement, and keep up with.


I have been religiously dry brushing for years now. I have stuck to this one for a couple of reasons. First off, it’s become a daily ritual that slows me down just a little bit. Instead of rushing right into the shower after the gym and going a thousand miles an hour, it gives me a chance to slow down and think about the day ahead. Second, it has done wonders for my skin. While it was a little uncomfortable at the beginning, it has helped make my skin much more smooth. Dry brushing helps to unclog pores and detox the skin. It helps promote blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Helping to unclog pores and increase blood flow means the body can sweat out all of the bad stuff from the system. There are also claims it helps with cellulite and makes it less noticeable. I can’t back up that claim but as someone who has lost over 50 lbs, I’ve just accepted there is gonna be weird stuff happening - including stretch marks and cellulite.

Dry brushing is honestly relaxing and makes my skin look great. As someone who uses fake tanner regularly, it really goes the extra mile to help it look good. Which was a surprising benefit if I must say so. I always dry brush using small counterclockwise circles upwards towards the heart although there are many different methods. I then shower and immediately apply a moisturizing lotion to hydrate and make my skin look good all day.

Marble Body Brush

Poosh, $88

Body Glow Duo

Osea, $60


I started taking probiotics in college when the stress started to have serious effects on my gut health — which wasn’t all that great, to begin with. When gut bacteria is imbalanced, it can cause a huge range of health issues one may not even really notice or even know about. Probiotics are good bacteria that help to balance the digestive system and get the body in order. Not only do they help the intestines but can help heart health, reduce allergies including eczema, manage female health, and even help boost the immune system. Probiotics can also help lessen the fat absorbed by the intestines and make one feel fuller longer leading to a better diet. Of course, I am no doctor, but I have had a much easier time managing my digestive issues when sticking to a probiotic, or currently the Seed synbiotic, than without one.

As someone who thoroughly love bread and pasta but can’t manage the gluten or digestive issues, it causes probiotics are there to lend me a little bit of a helping hand. I don’t feel sluggish or tired, and get as many headaches either. Probiotics don’t need to be taken as a capsule and are naturally found in fermented foods like yogurt and kombucha.


Daily Synbiotic

Seed, $50/month


Who needs an app to remind them to drink water? Me. Of course me. I can be a very busy bee on some days and while you may catch me with the largest alkaline water-filled bottle you’ve ever seen, remembering to drink it regularly can be a very different story. That is where the fun little notifications come in. There is no shortage of devices that remind people to drink water and even bottles are sold with ounces, times, and lines letting them know when, how, and how much to drink. One may not even think about hydration really, but being dehydrated is a real bummer. The headaches alone are a good reason to be proactive rather than retroactive when it comes to hydration. Being well hydrated helps to regulate body temperature, helps the body stay nutrient-rich, and the body functions normally. It helps improve sleep, memory, and even mood.

Don’t get me wrong, I know water can be pretty boring what with all of the delicious coffee, Diet Coke, energy drinks, and wine out there. But that is where the tricks come in. Adding a little bit of flavor with lemon or even a GOOD/USEFUL flavoring packet can help increase water consumption. Drinking water helps me feel full so I’m not constantly snacking throughout the day and it helps my joints recover from hard workouts. I simply tell the app to remind me, I track my progress, and try to do better tomorrow than I did today.

Honey Ginger Turmeric Hydration Multiplier

Poosh x LiquidIV, $25

Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Grafton, $20


Monthly Edit 020


Spring Mood '22