Monthly Edit 020
Honestly, how the hell is it nearly May? Not even just May but almost my birthday?! I feel like I was just spending my New Year’s Eve planning all of my goals and ideas for the year and now it’s time for summer vacations, pool days, and the like? At times April has felt like a crazy month. The past few weeks personally have been rough and made me feel out of sorts. Luckily I hope things are turning the corner and getting a little better. Of course, there is a hell of a lot happening in the world too which is still pretty damn overwhelming at times. I always laugh when I see tweets or memes about how we are all just kinda existing the best way we can, but I guess having a million things you never expected to see in your lifetime thrown on you all at once can have that effect - and no amount of awkward laughter is gonna make it easier.
Anyway, I’m not here to be a Debbie Downer because, as much as I am struggling with it being nearly my birthday (eek), I’m feeling hopeful and optimistic. That is really all you can do at the beginning of a new month. And, I’m here to bring you dear reader, a post you love: The Monthly Edit. So join me for fun internet links and a little life update.
If literature’s complicated men were on Tinder
Disney announces plans for affordable housing
Balenciaga covered their London store in bright pink faux fur
A vineyard wants to pay someone $10,000 to drink wine for a living
The newly designed Porsche 911 sport
Eyeing: This bikini, these pool sandals, this cover up, and this tote bag
Craving: Chili Garlic Spicy Noodles
Listening To: Father John Misty’s The Next 20th Century, Wet Leg, and What I’m Listening To Volume 33
Wearing: These leggings, this crop tank top, this cardigan, and these slippers
Loving: See what I’m loving this month
Your Favorite Blogs: 2022’s Coolest Home Decor Trends, Trend Report - Pink & Green, Spring Outfit Formulas, 3 Wellness Rituals I Swear By