Playlists Nicole Bozzani Playlists Nicole Bozzani

What I'm Listening To Volume 15

Enjoy another volume of What I’m Listening To. This one heavily features new music released over the last few weeks, but also some sprinkles of other tracks that have caught my ear. Consider it all the important music you need to know about right now in one handy place.

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Playlists Nicole Bozzani Playlists Nicole Bozzani

What I'm Listening To Volume 14

Well, this blog has become more of a playlist only blog hasn’t it? It’s 10 days into the new year and I am feeling completely burnt out. I’m hoping this changes soon and we can get back to regularly scheduled blog programing. I managed to put together some songs from last year I never shared in a playlist and some new ones that have caught my ears over the last few days.

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Playlists, Lifestyle Nicole Bozzani Playlists, Lifestyle Nicole Bozzani

The Best Music of 2018

While the last 365 days weren’t always the greatest, there was one thing I could always rely on: music. So keeping up with tradition I’ve compiled my favorite music of 2018 all in one place. It took awhile and a bit of going back and forth about skipping it altogether, but here it is: my favorite albums and songs of 2018.

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Playlists Nicole Bozzani Playlists Nicole Bozzani


I know there is a love/hate relationship many people have with holiday music. Some people love it. Some people hate it. But I genuinely like it. Except, when it basically starts playing on the radio in like…July. There is just something I cherish about listening to 85 covers of the same song while driving around picking up presents and baking. There is just something special about listening to these festive songs while wrapping gifts that makes it a much easier task. Even for a perfectionist like myself.

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Playlists Nicole Bozzani Playlists Nicole Bozzani

What I'm Listening To, Volume 13

It’s been a long couple of months. I haven’t had the time to focus on a proper, themed playlist for November. So instead, I thought I would compile another edition of What I’m Listening To. Where has my head been at this past month? Well, some of the tunes have a bit of a glimpse into my scattered mind while others are just new releases everyone should know about. Where do I even begin? Let’s see.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Mix No. 20 // In the Kitchen Thanksgiving 3

This year I'm having a love/hate relationship with Thanksgiving. I typically love Thanksgiving although it's a holiday everyone else would rather skip over in order to get right to Christmas. I think my love of Thanksgiving stems from when I was a kid because when Thanksgiving was finally here so was Christmas. But now Christmas pretty much starts in July essentially ruining the season by the time Christmas actually comes around. But I digress. I think this year's Thanksgiving is upsetting to me because the year is almost over, and I just don't feel like I've accomplished anything I truly wanted to do.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole


Right at the top, I have to admit, this is one of the most fun mixes I've made. Mainly because I got inspiration from it, randomly, from the radio and it led me down a rabbit hole. This playlist is a shout out to the summer I spent watching Gidget on TV Land as a teenager.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

What I'm Listening To, Volume 10

Time is just flying by. I can't even believe it. I feel like I'm constantly saying that too. When I originally set out to start the What I'm Listening To series of playlists, it was really just to create a playlist that was true to my listening habits. A playlist that really spanned genres. A playlist where I wasn't adding unnecessary pressure on myself with regards to sound or a theme. Don't get me wrong, I love the Monthly Mixes and themes, but a lot of work has to go into those. With What I'm Listening To I can just create a massive collection of songs and narrow them down with which ones I'm not absolutely sick of by the end of the month.

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what i’m listening to, volume 43