Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Five for August

I always feel like all I do for posts on this blog is make lists, but I'm just really good at lists. They are really useful for combining tons of stuff all at once without me having to ramble on and on. It's the beginning of a new month (what the heck) so I thought I would try something new. Rather than sharing some of my favorite things from the month at the end of said month, I thought I would share some things everyone should know about at the beginning. Kind of like those release radar or things to do this month articles in magazines.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Summer Bucket List

Summertime as an adult takes a lot more effort than it did when I was a kid. There's so many more things that require attention as an adult. I can't just wake up, eat some pancakes, watch MTV, and then hang out in the pool all day. Now if I'm lucky I might get a little vacation or staycation, but usually my time, like many, is spent working. But what about the weekend? Doing more fun adult things like laundry. Given it's mid-July I feel like I haven't made enough time for summer fun.

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