My Summer Bucket List


Summertime as an adult takes a lot more effort than it did when I was a kid. There's so many more things that require attention as an adult. I can't just wake up, eat some pancakes, watch MTV, and then hang out in the pool all day. Now if I'm lucky I might get a little vacation or staycation, but usually my time, like many, is spent working. But what about the weekend? Doing more fun adult things like laundry. Given it's mid-July I feel like I haven't made enough time for summer fun.

Enter my Summer Bucket List. I sat down and thought of a list of things I want to do or accomplish by Labor Day. Believe me making a bucket list is hard work. I couldn't pick things that would be too hard to complete or things that were too boring (like organize my closet...again). So I tried to find a middle road of things that were only mildly nerdy or things I have never done before.

  • Wear a bikini...with confidence - After losing about 50 lbs over the last couple years I still haven't had the confidence to fully rock a bikini. So here's to hoping I can find no shame in my almost-have-abs game.

  • Take a mindfulness trip - No, not an altered state trip. A real trip where I am completely mindful and unplugged. Yes, living in the moment rather than snapping, instagramming, and giving people FOMO. A real two for one: unplugging for a digital detox and enjoying a new place.

  • Spend an entire day with my best friend - Sure, I spend a lot of time with my best friend, Rachael, and it's one of my favorite things to do. But I'm sure she'd spend an entire day of best friend adventures rather than sitting with me watching HGTV after having my wisdom teeth pulled. I know I sure would...

  • Touch up on my French - I took French a couple of years ago in college, but got so frustrated by my professor I didn't continue on. I know enough to watch French films and listen to French tunes, but no more than that.

  • Enjoy a sunset from start to finish - I'm talking no phone and no photos. Just sitting still enjoying the nature and sounds of the city.

  • Bake a pie - This might sound dumb, but truly the only pie I make is pumpkin for Thanksgiving. So I'd love to make a summer pie. Maybe a strawberry or peach?

  • Read three books on the New York Times' Best Seller's list - Three books might be testing my ability to relax, sit and read. Not to mention my time limit of Labor Day. I checked out the list today, and there are quite a few good selections from what I can tell. The one's that caught my fancy were: Devil in the White City, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and the Handmaid's Tale.

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