Fashion & Style Nicole Fashion & Style Nicole

A Summer Style Bucket List of Sorts

I love a good list. They let me brainstorm all the things I need to do, want to do, or just things I need to remember. But there is one list I really love in particular: bucket lists. Bucket Lists always seem to be the one thing I set out to make with only the best intentions only to forget about it down the road. This happens a lot especially when it comes to summer. I quickly set to making a list of things I can't wait to do during the warmer months and then, just as quickly, work consumes my life. This is a different type of bucket list. 

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Summer Bucket List

Summertime as an adult takes a lot more effort than it did when I was a kid. There's so many more things that require attention as an adult. I can't just wake up, eat some pancakes, watch MTV, and then hang out in the pool all day. Now if I'm lucky I might get a little vacation or staycation, but usually my time, like many, is spent working. But what about the weekend? Doing more fun adult things like laundry. Given it's mid-July I feel like I haven't made enough time for summer fun.

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