My Summer 2023 Checklist
The days are getting longer and the temperatures are starting to hit over 100 degrees so I think it’s safe to start considering it summer. The first half of the year has been a little intense for me and I’ve been really struggling to find my way again. As if being under a pandemic for the last few summers wasn’t bad enough now I have to battle myself to get my shit together for the first REAL summer we are all back outside. I know, I know it’s okay to have solo moments and embrace alone time the whole bit but I am really looking forward to getting out and doing stuff. I think my therapist would agree - considering how much she has to remind me that it’s okay to have fun.
A summer checklist or bucket list isn’t a new concept. I think I joyfully sit down and post one every summer and then really only end up doing 1 or two of the things on it. The best part about sitting down and thinking of all the things you want to do during arguably the best time of the year has its perks. First off, you get to make plans - which is part of the challenge of getting outside. Second, you’re never really at a loss for ideas on what to do. You can just revert to the list. I know we all have a whole bunch of phone notes with places to visit etc. With that in mind, here are 15 things I really want to do or focus on to really make the most of this summer.
Take a road trip - How many places have I really not been in my home state?
More Live Music - indoor concerts, popular concerts, free concerts - sign me up.
Have a Staycation - One of my favorite parts of summer!
Try New Happy Hour Spots - A new spot is opening up every second
Get Water Logged - Pools…beaches…need I say more?
Wine Tasting - Do I need a reason to visit a vineyard?
Local Attractions - The UFO Experience is calling…
Complete My Pilates Challenge - One of my other favorite parts of summer. Bikini body here I come.
Actually READ My Magazines - Don’t just flip through those pretty pictures…
Free Admission Events - First Friday, free day at the museum, etc
Take Control of My Finances - Boring adult stuff but it’s gotta be done
Daypass at a Hotel - Pool party, pool lounging, or dare I say visit the spa
Quit making excuses, assumptions, and justifying everything - YOU do YOU
Make a new cocktail at home - The new 818 Cocktails are calling my name
RELAX - No seriously…