Q&A Nicole Bozzani Q&A Nicole Bozzani

Q&A: What's Your Morning Routine?

You asked and I answer all about my typical morning routine. Learn about nearly everything I do on the daily beginning at 5 am. From my beauty routine to everything in between.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Weekday Morning Routine

I have a little nerdy interest in the morning routines of successful people. There's even an entire website dedicated to sharing the morning routines of successful people in all areas of life and different career fields. It's interesting to me the things successful people do whether they are or are not morning people. I am a morning person. I love getting everything out-of-the-way and I make better decisions. It's a fact morning people make better decisions in the morning rather than the afternoon or early evening. This is likely why going shopping at night is my absolute downfall.

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What I’m Listening To, Volume 43