4 Things I Do Before 8 AM That Really Improve My Day

I don’t know at what point in my life I became a “morning person.” When I was a teenager I was a stay up all night on AIM and downloading music from Limewire to make mix cds kinda girl. But when college came around, I chose to take a huge majority of my classes first thing in the morning. Probably because I realized I could be done so much quicker, have homework done, and be on to have a good time much sooner. As an adult, I enjoy my mornings. It’s just quieter and fewer people are out. The gym isn’t as full and I’m done with so many things by the time people start their day.

That said, not every morning is great. Heck, not every day is great but that is a completely different story. But there are a few things that I make sure to do to help my day start out on the right foot. It’s important to do anything I can to try and make the day a little smoother and to keep my mental health, and overall wellness, going in the right direction.

Drink Water

There is no shortage of benefits when it comes to water. It’s essential to life and the more you consume, the better you feel. Drinking water first thing in the morning is a healthy habit with so many benefits. It rehydrates your body after sleeping, circulates nutrients, helps to flush out the stomach, and even helps stimulate brain function. It is even said to help joints and joint function which is critical for the second important thing I do before 8 AM….


I don’t think it comes as a surprise that I love a morning workout. It wakes me up, kicks my body into gear, and I don’t have enough time to come up with 7,000,000 excuses to avoid doing it. Plus, in the early morning hours, the gym is pretty empty. That means I can do whatever workout I want to get done without all the added insecurity and social anxiety. Working out in the morning can help with energy, focus, and healthy eating habits throughout the day. But one of my favorite benefits is the lack of distractions. I don’t feel tied to my phone like I’m going to miss an important call/email/etc. I can really focus on what I’m doing and get the most out of my time.

Analyze My Day

Someone recently asked me how I stay organized and prioritize my time and I replied “the biggest day planner anyone has ever seen.” And it is true. I use an old-fashioned write-it-down method with a day planner. While tech is cool, I feel like if I don’t see it right in front of my face, odds are I’m going to forget it. So when I get ready for my day I look at all of the tasks I need to accomplish and figure out which are the most time-consuming and intensive. Which ones need to be done ASAP versus which ones can wait until the end of the day or another day.


Check My Feeds

This one was one of my worst habits for years. I would immediately run to my phone the second I woke up to check Twitter, the news app, and Instagram to see what was going on. What I realized was, not only is this a bad habit, but it has the power to ruin my day. The news is always a huge bummer. Instagram has the ability to make me self-conscious not to mention the FOMO. So rather than immediately bursting my bubble, I decided to try looking at my feeds when I felt ready. That way I can get a glimpse of what is going on, educate myself on anything I must know for the day ahead, and try not to doom scroll for hours.


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