5 Ways to Have a Better Morning


It may be hard to believe but I haven’t always been a morning person. Although, I’m not really sure you can say any teenager is a morning person, and that’s about the only time I wasn’t. Frankly, I like being a morning person. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is something so great about being able to do everything I need to do in peace before literally any place gets busy. Of course, that goes both ways. What do you MEAN Trader Joe’s doesn’t open until 8am?

Even though I am a morning person, that’s not to say I don’t have some crappy mornings. Maybe I didn’t get a good night’s sleep or maybe I’m just feeling uninspired and over it. Whatever the case may be, there are things that can be done to turn mornings around or help night owls embrace mornings. There are proven health benefits to waking up early including living longer and being relatively more healthy overall. I always start my morning with some water and trip to the gym, but that’s not for everyone. Here are some ways to turn your morning around when you’re feeling less than….stellar.

Wake Up Consistently

This one is a big of a tough one, but it really helps in the long run. If you wake up a consistent time, yes even on weekends, your body adjusts. Your internal clock really is the best alarm clock. Eventually you’ll just rise and shine before your actual alarm clock. When it comes to using a regular alarm clock, find a sound that works for you. Aka one that gently wakes you up rather than jolting you right out of bed. Each person is different so maybe a jolt works for you, but for me I get really annoyed….fast. No bueno.

Prep Everything Ahead of Time

This one is a lifesaver sometimes. Knowing my lunch is ready to go, my clothes for the day are set, and that Keurig is just one push away is a gift on mornings when I’m feeling less than my best. I know it may take time to put everything together, but the trade off is honestly worth it. On Sundays, I decide my gym clothes for the week, prep all my lunches (and snacks!), and sort out my work clothes. It really does make my mornings run 10x easier because I’m not screwing around wasting time or putting things off.


Hydrating first thing in the morning sets your day in motion. You’re also likely to drink more water during the day too. It wakes your body up and gets your system moving. But, I get it, water is boring but that’s not an excuse to not try this. Make your water interesting by adding lemon or a combination of water, Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper. Or, if you’re really against a healthy glass of water, try something else like green tea, a green juice or a smoothie. Whatever it is, hydrating first thing can help nudge you out of a slump.

Try Something Entertaining

Morning activities can be mundane to say the least. I love listening to podcasts or music while doing things. It makes them a little more fun and gives me some time to prepare mentally for the rest of the day. It really just depends on what you like best. If you like trashy TV go for it. That’s not really my thing. I find that podcasts let me learn something new or get informed on the news of the day. Music shifts my mood to a more positive state and gets me moving because rarely can I resist the urge to dance.


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