Q&A: What's Your Morning Routine?


I can’t say I’ve always been a morning person, but as an adult I’ve learned I enjoy early mornings over late nights. I think this is because much of the world is still asleep meaning I can do the most bothersome of errands in record time. I’m talking get in and out of the grocery store in 20 minutes FLAT. Okay, so maybe that took quite a bit of training over time, but nevertheless. Even in college I tried to take the earliest classes possible. But my current morning kind of took off when I started hitting the gym every day. I found going as early as possible allowed me to completely avoid…..nearly everyone. Well, except the older crowd who love to meet and have a chat.

With my job being whatever I want it to be, it’s easy for me to keep a steady routine. I know my mornings allow me to do just whatever it is I want to do for me and start work when I’m feeling ready. Of course, ready to me, means usually the same time right on schedule. But, you asked so here it is. My usual morning routine.

5 a.m. This is when my alarm goes off but there is truly a few days I hit snooze a couple times. I always try to be up and out of my bed before 5:30. I stretch and just kinda center myself before even getting out of bed. I avoid checking my phone and then eventually get up for the day.


5:30 a.m. I get ready to head to the gym. I do the usual brushing my teeth and pulling out my gym clothes. I toss on mineral sunscreen and some hydration gel on my face. Arizona sun is no joke so sunscreen is a must and the moisturizing serum makes my skin look far more awake and glistening than I might actually feel. I also use this time to prep my pre-work out drink which I enjoy on my way to the gym.


6 a.m. This is where one of my favorite parts of the day begins (I never thought I would say that). There really is nothing better than playing music loudly in my headphones and drowning the world out. My workout changes depending on the day or what I am feeling. I always try to squeeze in a little bit of cardio, but I’m prone to focusing way more on that than I probably should.

8 a.m. After a bit of errand running and boring commuting I get home and shower. The usual. A few days a week I make sure to dry brush and I always apply moisturizer to my entire body. I don’t own a hair dryer so on those hair washing days, I just brush my hair out, add leave-in conditioner, and let it dry naturally.

8:30 a.m. I make coffee and enjoy it with some breakfast. Sometimes I’ll enjoy a muffin (what?) but right now I love coconut yogurt with granola and pineapple chunks. Then while getting ready for the day I listen to Up First from NPR and the Daily. It’s scorching out now so I try to keep my makeup as light as possible. If I have to head in studio to work I will style my hair and other days I just refresh my messy waves with dry shampoo (and some oil to prevent frizz).


9 a.m. I sit down with my trusty day planner and check my work email. I answer important ones and save others for later when I have a little downtime (these are newsletters, blogs, etc). I create my little daily to-dos from my running lists of tasks, turn on a podcast, and get to work.

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