Food & Entertaining Nicole Food & Entertaining Nicole

All the Pumpkin Recipes You Could Ever Need to Get Through Fall

If loving pumpkin makes me basic then so be it. I love it all. My hand soap smells like pumpkin. My coffee creamer is pumpkin spice flavored. I'm counting down the days until Thanksgiving because I just really can't wait to consume more pumpkin pie than humanly possible. Why wait till Thanksgiving? Cause I have to practice self-control. I have to set limits.  

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Fashion & Style Nicole Fashion & Style Nicole

A Fall Shopping List of Sorts

I kind of really love fall. Arizona doesn't have a typical fall. Leaves don't really change. The weather isn't crisp. It just kinda stops being 100+ every day (which is a treat). BUT everything tastes and smells like pumpkin. Halloween decorations are everywhere. Horror movies start playing on television. And, most importantly, I finally get to wear clothing that suits my style much more. I'm just not really that good at shorts and tank tops. I just really love not looking like a sweaty tomato after stepping outside for 6 seconds. That said, I have a few fall go-to's which can always use a little updating. They are certified Nicole classics. Tried and true.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Mix No. 11: Fall Vibes

Ah, the fall mix has finally arrived. The time of year where I fully get to embrace the part of me that loves a good cozy sweater, drinking cup of coffee (or tea), and having indie folk music playing from my speakers. Over the years fall has been one of my favorite playlists to make. I think the only occasion that sees more playlist than fall is Christmas. When I first started college, what feels like a million years ago now, I would create these playlists to keep me company on my long walks to and from class. They each served their own little purpose given my mood or the weather. Pretty nerdy, right? Probably.

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