Links I Love 005


Sorry for the sparse posting as of late. I'm lacking a bit of motivation and inspiration right now. I'm also working so incredibly hard on so many things all at once. I'm a bit of an overachiever I'll admit. Most of the things I'm being bogged down by are almost over, so hopefully now I'll be able to post more regularly.

That said this weekend I'll be attending a sip and see for my friend's new baby. Apparently sip and sees  are a real thing and not just something seen on the Real Housewives franchise. While I find the concept utterly baffling, I guess that's a thing I will be doing. Hopefully with far less drama than an episode of the Real Housewives of whatever. I also hope it doesn't begin to stir any sort of baby fever within me because babies are the most fun when they aren't yours and you get to pass them back. But one thing is for sure, getting older sucks when everyone reminds you where you should be in life, but just aren't.

Talk about being a Debbie Downer. Instead enjoy some fun things from around the internet, and have a great weekend.

Featured Image: Madewell


Trend Tracking: Boyfriend Blazers


Mix No. 10: #MOOD