Wednesday Wellness: Life Changing Morning Habits

When I was in college nearly every business class I took always mentioned the everyday habits of successful people. There was even a site where successful people in their fields would submit their morning routines for everyone to read, and now it’s a huge blog/vlog prompt. Morning routines are just inherently interesting because you are getting a glimpse into people’s lives, how they take on life, and even how they see the world. I’ll be honest, my wellness journey began some years ago because I felt like my life was missing something. As if embracing the powers of the universe would give me the tools and answers I needed to figure out what the void was and how to fill it. I have tried just about everything from mental work to physical changes to help my overall health. I am always looking for new tips and tricks to make my life much calmer and have greater direction.

That is why I find morning routines, especially of successful women in the wellness or fitness space, so incredibly interesting. What is it that they are doing that can just change my perspective or life just a little bit? Over the years I have collected and implemented many. Some have stuck around and others have been long forgotten. Today I’m sharing a few with you that not only are pretty easy to implement and sustain but will actually help you ease into the morning better. After all, how you start the day determines the tone for the rest of the day ahead, right?

Set An Intention

Intentions are one of those “woo woo” practices a lot of people like to mock - like manifesting. Intentions are really important because they push you to focus and create the ideal day for you. By setting an intention you are dedicating yourself to the day you want to have, the mindset you need to achieve it, and the focus required to draw that energy into you. Setting the intention to have a good day pushes your brain to believe your day is going to be good, and as a result, you have a good day - or at least see the good in that day. In a world that is so busy and moves too fast, a lot of the time we don’t act or move with intention. Just taking a few minutes to focus on your intention and where the day is going will get the brain working and help you be more mindful throughout the day as well.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydration can often be people’s biggest enemy. I sure know it’s one of mine. One of my favorite things wellness influencers ALWAYS talk about is starting their mornings with warm water and lemon. Sure, this idea sounds incredible except it takes extra time I just don’t have. I am utterly envious of anyone who can do this as soon as they get up! I however have always been the reach for the glass of water that has been there all night kind of crowd - if that. Hydrating is important first thing because it flushes out your stomach and helps to stabilize the lymphatic system that contributes to our immune system. Not only that, but it replenishes any water you may have lost overnight. It’s just a really good for your health practice everyone should be doing. I always try to be realistic and have at least 1 glass as I get into gear.

Express Gratitude

Gratitude is something I have really struggled with especially lately. It’s all too easy to be negative and look at everything in a different light. After seeing a million people doing the Five Minute Journal I decided to take the plunge and give it a shot. It has honestly helped to improve my day and my mindset. Expressing gratitude for even the simplest of things has given me the chance to appreciate them rather than focusing on negativity or what is lacking. Prioritizing gratitude and making it a larger part of your mindset and day can breed opportunity and it attracts bigger and better things into our orbit. Frankly, that 5 minutes in the morning with the journal has made this practice sustainable. The simple prompts are direct and to the point. Exactly what one needs when they aren’t really sure where to begin.

Read about my journey with the Five Minute Journal here.

Do Not Touch Your Phone

Grabbing your phone first thing in the morning is all too easy. It’s probably something you do without even thinking about it. I mean, you haven’t touched it for at least 8 hours. It probably feels like part of a limb is missing! I’m just as guilty especially since my phone also happens to be my alarm clock. I can’t help but grab it. Mornings are meant to be peaceful and grabbing your phone instantly adds an unnecessary level of chaos. A rush of emails, social media notifications, breaking news, and nearly everything else happening in the world is suddenly in your hands. It can be…a lot. Try giving yourself time to get up and get moving a little bit before touching your phone. It will give you a chance to get into the right, clear headspace to deal with whatever comes next. Life is going to be busy no matter what, and that stuff will still be there when you’re ready.

Get Moving!

Sure, getting out of bed isn’t always the most fun thing in the world. Maybe you’re having a good dream…maybe you’re just in a mood. But getting up, having a stretch, and walking around a bit is gonna do wonders for your mood not to mention your day. Moving around, even if it’s just a little stretching, helps get you energized and gets the blood flowing. Having dogs I get a real get up and get moving push every day because they have to go on a walk and they also enjoy that time. We both get to enjoy some peace and quiet while getting the blood flowing. Plus, it helps me fully wake up to transition into the rest of my day.


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