3 Important Rituals of My Daily Routine

I am one of those people who really love a routine. In a world where information is flying at us at every second and life just feels like go, go sometimes, it can feel really comforting. I suppose it could have something to do with various mental health issues or just the fact that I know what I should be doing, when, and what is expected of me. A hearty routine and its importance were instilled in me as a child, and as an adult, I’m pretty damn grateful for it.

It goes without saying not every day is the same. What is this, Groundhog Day? But the key to keeping that sense of calm within the chaos, if you will, is the rituals. To me, the term rituals can be slightly off-putting because it almost sounds like it feeds into or encourages obsessive-compulsive behaviors or something else. But by rituals I mean the couple of things I consider non-negotiables and have a positive effect on my mind, body, day, or set me up for success tomorrow. You’ll see what I mean in a second, but, these are 3 of mine. Yours should be things you enjoy or that help you have the best day (or set the best intentions).


“Oh my god. Another mention of working out? We get it.” And you are right, but you’re not gonna stop hearing about it. This is a huge part of my life not only for my mind, body, and spirit but it sets my day out on the right foot. Whether it’s straight cardio, pilates, yoga or just going on a walk, getting the blood flowing wakes me up, sets the tone for the day, and gets my energy up. While a whole gym session is important to me for more than my physical health, it might not be for everyone. Something as simple as stretching can easily do the trick.


This is actually something I do a couple times a day at the beginning and the end. Days can get really busy and it’s all too easy for random things to pile up all over the place. By the end of my work day my desk looks like it has been through it. My bed has god knows what dog toys, sweatshirts, socks etc piled up on it. My bathroom has dirty clothes, make up, and the works. You get the idea. At the end of the day I take time as I decompress and move from room to room to clean things up. Put things away in their place not to mention find things I might need tomorrow so I am not up worrying about finding them. Having messes and clutter around can really increase anxiety and lower sleep quality so it’s best to just handle things.


This is something I sometimes do in the morning before I start my work day or at night before I go to bed. If you read my post about 2022’s favorite things, you may have seen an app I recently started using that helps me time block my day. I import calendars, set tasks, and decide how much time I’m going to work on these things. It’s like a strict schedule except I can see the time draining from the tasks as time goes on and I can see where tasks overlap relieving some of my stress. For example, if I have a set meeting time and need to prep for it, I know any emails or tasks that aren’t urgent, can be moved to later.


Sh*t I Want: Activewear


Current Cravings 02