Albums I Loved In 2023

My favorite albums list has made its triumphant return for 2023, but we are doing things a little differently this year. I’m not making a narrowed-down Top 10 with an order chosen at random by a number generator. It’s been a clusterfuck of a year, for the most part, so why not just have a little fun with it? With that in mind, this year’s list is just gonna be a list of damn good shit I listened to over and over this year.

This list is made up of albums that come from a variety of different sources from my favorite music blogs, discovery playlists, and, of course, indie radio. There is a ton of variety some super popular and others not so much. I’m always thankful for all the content and music sources I consume throughout the year for introducing me to things I might not have heard otherwise so credit stands with those folks who have, for years, tirelessly listened to and recommended music to the masses.

I know my gym playlist is consistently updated with the best dance tunes to get in the mood, but I really did try hard to keep up to date with the quarterly playlists of music I love. Maybe something to add to my list of priorities in 2024. That said, enjoy the albums that soundtracked my workdays, drives, and quiet nights in…whatever the case may be.


My Favorites of 2023


What I Can't Wait to Wear This Winter