I'm Ready for Pasta Girl Fall

I feel like every 5 minutes there is some new “aesthetic” to explore but while browsing my feed a few weeks ago an article in Bon Appetit caught my eye. It featured an aesthetic I could truly get behind: Pasta Girl Fall. Talk about an aesthetic worth savoring. Pasta Girl kind of follows in the footsteps of Tomato Girl which I featured during the summer. Similar to Tomato Girl, Pasta Girl has a distinct aesthetic related to the culinary world. She has a vibe that lets you know she knows about the hottest private restaurant on the Almafi Coast and it just happens to be her kitchen. Not only does she have the cooking chops, but everything about her kitchen from the cloth napkins to the exquisite shallow bowls perfect for pasta, is chic and would make any high-end restaurant jealous.

The Pasta Girl enjoys a glass of wine, and a fragrant candle, and never, ever forgets to salt her pasta water. She loves spending fall evenings at home enjoying one of the world’s best comfort foods: Pasta. To be truthful, the Pasta Girl probably isn’t really anything new to behold. It just has an identifiable name now. Pasta hasn’t ever gone out of style and probably never will. Pasta is just one of the best things in the world especially when the days get darker earlier and there is a chill in the air that never quite leaves.

Being Italian, I guess I’m just a Pasta Girl through my DNA, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I would absolutely love to be a chic girl living in Italy and twirling my pasta all the live long day. The Pasta Girl encompasses the spirit of comfort and sophistication. The aesthetic encourages us to slow down and truly savor not only the meal but the journey to get there. And, honestly, I can’t think of another way to spend a fall night than pouring a glass of wine and whipping up a recipe that transports me right to the Amalfi Coast.

So it’s time to embrace the warmth, the flavors, and the aesthetics of the Pasta Girl, where every pasta dish is a work of art, and every meal is a taste of Italian paradise. Below you’ll find a few yummy-looking recipes and all the other essentials one could need or want for Pasta Girl fall. Bon appétit!



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