Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Music Monday: Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire have won plenty of awards for their music and other technical/creative aspects. These include Brits, Grammys, and two members (Will Butler and Owen Pallett) even received an Academy Award Nomination for Best Original Score for Her. Everyone surely has heard of Arcade Fire or at least their most popular song Wake UpWake Up was featured in Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are and commercials for the NFL in 2010.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Mix 08 Summer Take 2

Gather round boys and girls it's time for another monthly playlist. Summer is probably one of the easiest times to make mixes. They just kind of write themselves. There's always something playing that sticks with me and creates a memory for years to come. Whether it's enjoying a nice meal with friends at a restaurant or just simply driving in the car when something funny happens, a memory has the ability to stick to these songs like glue (for better or worse). Rather than zone in on a particular summery theme like pool parties, BBQs, or road trips, I decided to try something a little different.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Best Songs of 2017...So Far

More than half the year is over which has completely taken me by surprise. I can't think of where the time has gone. It seems like just last week I was starting a new semester and contemplating having my wisdom teeth removed. Now its July. My semester went amazing, the wisdom teeth are freshly removed (yikes), and now we've reached the point of the year where everything begins to move faster than a snowball rolling down a mountainside. I must admit I'm hopeful for the rest of the year and I hope things begin to go a bit more my way, but I must remain cautiously optimistic about the whole thing.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Music Monday: Fleet Foxes

I often go back and forth between writing and not writing some blog posts. Especially when it comes to music but not posting about it wouldn't make this blog true to who I am. I don't feel like my taste in music is why anyone reads this blog to begin with, but I'm certainly not writing posts strictly to get likes (although those are pretty cool). So after some time of indecisiveness (a couple weeks really) I decided to give it a go. Plus I just love the new Fleet Foxes record so much.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

What I'm Listening To, Volume 3 - June 2017

I'm really excited by all the new music coming out lately. Every day it feels like I have something new to check out. Most of the time it feels like I've traveled back in time to 2010 or 2011 with all these new releases from Fleet Foxes, Arcade Fire, and Phoenix. I've heard the Fleet Foxes but need more time to fully absorb and process it this week when it officially comes out. Maybe I'll have to write about some new music to check out later on.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Mix 07: Summer '17 - Take 1

I may have a love/hate relationship with summer, but one thing I do consistently is make 10,000 mixes during the season. I'll find any reason to make one. I'm not sure if I'll share them all here, but I might share a couple at least. This one has a very intentional chilled out vibe to it. The other day I surprised myself when during a conversation I admitted I love just doing nothing during the summer. What I mean is give me a pool, a nice adult beverage, and I don't mind sitting still doing literally nothing. This might be the only time I truly am not doing something. So I made this playlist with that idea in mind.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

Birthday Playlist 2017

I'm not sure how this tradition began but many years ago I began making playlist for my birthday. They don't contain music I'm currently listening to at whatever given age I may be turning (which actually sounds like a better idea). Instead they take a glimpse back into past years almost like a nostalgic road trip. I try to choose a relevant year and look at the music most popular during that time, but this year I issued myself a little challenge. The formative years of life where we begin shaping who we are range somewhere between ages 8 to 18.

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Playlists Nicole Playlists Nicole

What I'm Listening To, Volume 2

I don't really have a good theme for this month's mix/playlist. Sure I could do "spring" but it probably would have ended up with a similar feel anyway (and I've done Spring Break). So I've just put together a playlist of stuff I'm really into lately. It's mostly new music (songs or tracks from recently released albums) with a variety of genres.

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