Music Monday: Fleet Foxes

I often go back and forth between writing and not writing some blog posts. Especially when it comes to music but not posting about it wouldn't make this blog true to who I am. I don't feel like my taste in music is why anyone reads this blog to begin with, but I'm certainly not writing posts strictly to get likes (although those are pretty cool). So after some time of indecisiveness (a couple weeks really) I decided to give it a go. Plus I just love the new Fleet Foxes record so much.

Fleet Foxes are an indie folk band from Seattle who became well-known a few years back for their eclectic sound and harmonies. Their Sun Giant EP and self titled album gained plenty of attention from the likes of Pitchfork and other music critics. Their second album Helplessness Blues was released in 2011 and shortly after Fleet Foxes took a break. Josh Tillman left in 2012 and began recording as Father John Misty, and Robin resurfaced as a college student at Columbia University. Finally, after a 6 year hiatus, back in March they announced their new album, Crack-Up, would be released this summer. And there's your mini-catch up on Fleet Foxes.



So why do I love Fleet Foxes so much? Well, its pure indie folk goodness. It's the type of music I want to listen to late at night or on a cloudy day with a nice cup of coffee. I can fully immerse myself in it and completely tune out the world around me. After all of the times I have heard their songs I find myself discovering new things about them I hadn't heard before. With their new album, Crack-Up, they have managed to create completely different soundscapes without abandoning their usual sound. What makes their newest album so great is the mixture of tunes with their classic folk sound mixed with longer experimental pieces. Some might even call them "avant-garde." There's just something so blissful about escaping into one of their records when the world gets to be too much. Robin's voice is incredible and the instrumentation is near perfection. I saw them live a few years back with Bon Iver and it's a show I will never, ever forget. It might be one of the best shows I've seen hands down.

So if you haven't heard Fleet Foxes before or maybe even if you have (high five), I've chosen a few of my favorite Fleet Foxes songs from their discography to share. Consider it a mini playlist or Music Monday special for your Monday afternoon/evening.


The List: July


In the Kitchen: Shake Shack @ Home