Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

5 Things I've Learned This Year - So Far

Every time I do a blog inventory, whether it's looking at categories or just posts in general, I always make a note to be a little more personal. I started blogging long ago when blogs were really online journals. When you're an angsty teen/young adult, you've got a lot to say. With modern blogging, it's more about high-quality photos and building a creative outlet (or business even). I love having a creative outlet for myself even if a huge part of my 9-5 is being mostly creative. It's fun to make things for myself rather than someone else. But, I really try to be personal because, after all, I am a person.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

The Summer Edit Editorial (AKA I Tried A New Thing)

I have to admit this might have been the most daunting and biggest task I've taken on since cannoli cheesecake. But I really wanted to give it a shot. I'm still really undecided about it but rather than overthink, here it is. At the beginning of the summer, I was inspired by seeing other people create an editorial or I guess magazine all about the season ahead. I instantly wanted to give it a try.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Monthly Edit 01

I'm revamping my usual month-end post. It's been called many things over the years but I'm thinking Monthly Edit covers it far more. It's still a curated collection of interesting things from around the internet mixed with fun things I'm loving right now. It still includes everything from style to design and definitely food. It's just getting a new name. A new identity. Well, well, well. Today is the last day of July and I really don't know what to think. 

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Things I'm Loving

It might be a cliche, but I definitely can't believe it's almost July. Just days away at this point. Right now I feel like a stressed out mess. Something that isn't a good look on anyone. Have you ever just gotten so mad at someone that you just have no way of telling them how mad you are? So instead everything just snowballs and you start getting mad at everything else essentially covering up what is bothering you in the first place? Sure, it's not a healthy behavior, but I guess its easier than realizing how hurtful the original situation is.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Summer Reading List

Every summer I optimistically set out to read more. When I was a kid, I excelled at reading. My parents proudly saved my giant bookworm chains from elementary school and I always had way too many coupons for Pizza Hut personal pan pizzas (the reward for reading x number of books at the time). But now with the internet, I find myself reading less and endlessly scrolling more and more. When the internet (and life) begin to feel overwhelming, I would always choose a book to escape into. 

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love 010

Well, it's the last day of May. It's been one crazy month. From my birthday right thru to Memorial Day there was truly never a dull moment. Unless you count all those days spent at work of course. I still feel a bit down but yesterday I went and made a change. I cut off a good 7 or 8 inches of my hair. That might not seem like a lot, but my hair was pretty damn long. Not only is it hot out (110 this weekend. Yikes.) but I just needed a boost to my self-confidence. So far so good.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

5 Reasons to Take a Digital Detox

Real Talk. For the past few weeks, I've been feeling like a Debbie Downer. It's a funk I just can't seem to get out of. Part of me knows some of it is being caused by general stress and life situations I can't always control. You know, those crazy life situations that wreak havoc on my anxiety. On the other hand, part of me knows that some of the feelings have been caused by my digital consumption. There is always something going on that is upsetting, plays into anxious feelings, or just becomes completely overwhelming. I feel like I've studied social media so much throughout my time in school that I should know better. There is something to be said about the effects digital consumption has on us especially when it comes to social media.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

I Have So Many Questions About the New Season of The Bachelorette

I am not a card-carrying member of Bachelor Nation. In fact, the only reason I began subjecting myself to this show is that my friends LOVE it. So I have given it a chance. There are typically two stages when it comes to watching an episode of any Bachelorette/Bachelorepisode. First, the "what is going on? What am I even watching?!" first hour. Followed by the "suddenly feeling really bad about myself" second hour. Now it seems counterproductive to ever compare oneself to reality television contestants but those slurpy, sloppy kisses start to get really...irritating. One's mind can't help but wander at that point, right? 

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

5 Current Obsessions

I go through phases. I like things then I obsessively love things. Then I dislike things and the process begins all over again. Whether it's my clothes, beauty products, or just general life things, the tide's are always changing. With the high being over 100 degrees almost daily, I've become obsessed with things that have a summer feeling.

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