5 Things I've Learned This Year - So Far


Every time I do a blog inventory, whether it's looking at categories or just posts in general, I always make a note to be a little more personal. I started blogging long ago when blogs were really online journals. When you're an angsty teen/young adult, you've got a lot to say. With modern blogging, it's more about high-quality photos and building a creative outlet (or business even). I love having a creative outlet for myself even if a huge part of my 9-5 is being mostly creative. It's fun to make things for myself rather than someone else. But, I really try to be personal because, after all, I am a person. When I come up with topics, like this one, I begin to feel like "no one cares" or it's going to be one long, rambling log of nonsense people won't like. Part of me tells myself not everyone is going to like it and that's okay because to each their own. Even if no one really cares at the end of the day, I got to use the time to be inherently myself. I got to say what's on my mind, what I'm going through, and contribute that to a space entirely based upon who I am and what I represent. Either way, if you're reading this, I'm happy you're here. Let's debrief my cluttered mind together! Maybe even take a second to tell me something new you learned so far this year? 


It's Okay to Not Be Okay

I hear this one a lot, and it may seem like a no-brainer to everyone. To me, I feel like showing any bit of emotion is showing people my weakness. But everyone begins to think you're some kind of robot. It becomes a bummer. As much as I put faith into the universe to guide me properly, I just don't feel like it always has my back. When those times pop up, I've realized it's okay to not be okay. I don't have to pretend. I don't have to ignore it. I just have to feel the way I feel and that's the best way to get through it. I have to feel feelings. I have to embrace all the messy bits of myself and not be so quick to engage in negative self-talk or project an untrue image of myself to save face.


Give Myself 10 Minutes

This 10-minute rule works in a lot of areas of life. I can easily get overwhelmed. Whether it is work or life, if there's too much going on or too much to do, I instantly try to take it all on at once. It's the quickest way to crash and burn. So, I took some advice from a mentor and instituted a 10-minute rule. I take 10 minutes to organize my thoughts whether that's marking my to-do list by priority or just writing a list of 3 main things I need to accomplish during the day. Another way I use 10 minutes, is during my workday. I start something, set a timer for 10 minutes, and if things just aren't going right, I move to the next thing and give that a try. It helps to accomplish important things but also creates better things.


Everyone is ALWAYS Going to Have Something to Say

It literally doesn't matter what the subject is. It could be career, jobs, relationships, or just what my hair looks like today. Everyone believes their two cents are worth sharing. Sometimes people's two cents is positive and that is always welcome. Other times, it's pretty negative and makes it harder for me to make the decisions I want to make. It's always nice to have people who care, but at times, it can feel really discouraging. I've learned to just let them speak but if I disagree, I'm going to speak up. Kindly letting people know I appreciate their concern, but I think I've got it.


When I Need a Break....I Need a Break

With social media, I feel this constant pressure to be on at all times. I don't mean on my phone, but just on personality wise. The pressure to be posting, be interesting and portray life one way. Looking at other people's highlight reels can get overwhelming. It's all too easy to just begin comparing my life to theirs and start contemplating what I don't have. Taking a break from everything is okay and does wonders for mental health. It also gives me a chance to edit my life. Rid myself of the things that are no longer serving me and, once I log back in, rid myself of accounts that aren't really serving me either.

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Style Profile: Jackie Kennedy Onassis