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5 Ways I'm Spring Cleaning...My Life

It's hard feeling like I'm consistently in a funk. I previously shared a post about spring cleaning, and it got me thinking. If I spend so much time cleaning and organizing the places I inhabit (and even my car!), why can't I do the same with my life? Maybe this doesn't make sense in the slightest, but I started thinking about everything that becomes overwhelming within the span of one year. Some have to do with my digital space and others physical places. Either way, it feels like a breath of fresh air. So, here's how I'm currently spring cleaning my life.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love 009

I can't believe tomorrow is May 1st. My birthday is just days away. I feel a little conflicted about it. Obviously getting older isn't fun for everyone, but my displeasure comes from another place entirely. I suppose I'm just don't feel like I am where I wanted to be in life when I reached this age. But hey life happens and you just gotta roll with it, right? Since it's the end of the month, here's a link roundup of everything I have been loving around the internet and in life over the past month. 

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Four Fun Things: 90s Nostalgia

It feels like the 90s just ended 5 minutes ago, but everywhere I look there's some trend or reference reappearing for better or worse. I've even seen articles about millennial's being affected by early on-set nostalgia because of this incredibly close wave of brands resurfacing or bringing back bygone products and mascots. Hamburgler Hipster Dad anyone? I know there are plenty of things from the 1990s I would love to forget about, but here I am reliving my youth whether I want to or not. So after a strange Double Dare-centric conversation with my sister, here are 4 fun things for optimal 90s nostalgia.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Four Fun Things: Phoenix/Scottsdale Edition

I have good news and bad news. The good news is Phoenix and Scottsdale is a prime tourist destination due to its good weather. Okay, maybe that becomes an inconvenience to everyone trying to get around town in a timely fashion. But the bad news is, this weekend it's going to about 95 degrees. Hopefully, we can push the days of 100+ days off just a little longer so we can spend more time outdoors. With this in mind, I put together a little list of my four favorite places to hang out. Some of them will let you beat the heat and one will let you enjoy a little time outdoors.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Tackle Spring Cleaning Like An Expert

Well, I'm not a cleaning professional. Just a girl raised in a family filled with clean freaks and who suffers from a moderate case of OCD. Spring Cleaning is always an event for me. I love it because I take control of my environment, organize everything, and feel accomplished. You just don't realize how dirty things can get or how many things you can accumulate in one year. So I'm sharing some of the insights I've learned throughout the years.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

April Life Mantras

A new month always feels optimistic to me. That's a little strange given how pessimistic I can be. There's still a small part of me believes in the endless possibility of positive things that can happen in a new month. Okay, maybe this month it's because nearly every horoscope I curiously took a peek at said exciting things were coming. So head's up every Taurus, who isn't me, it's gonna be a good month for you! Cut to the end of the month where I'm super bummed and trying to be optimistic about May (my birthday, heyyyy).

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love 008

As the wise philosopher Drake once said, "better late than never, but never late is better." I know I said I would try to update more as if anyone reads this at all, but my funk is still lingering over my head. I tried to put together tons of different posts, but all of them just felt really uninspired. No one wants to see that kinda stuff and I certainly don't want to look back on it. April is almost here which is kind of a bummer, but also a chance for a fresh start. I figured I'd end March strong by sharing some stuff from around the internet I like right now. I made it a bit longer and chose all kinds of stuff from food to wellness and, of course, new music.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love 007

Ask and you shall receive. A brand new installment of Links I Love is here. The perfect supplement for a Tuesday morning. Whether you need a break from work already or just are trying to waste time on the internet, there's so much to look at. With so much available, why not look at the good things? Okay, maybe what I consider to be the good things...

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Five Fun Things: Super Bowl Edition

It seems like this year everyone has Super Bowl Fatigue. I get it. Who wants to watch Tom Brady win yet another Super Bowl? It's like Groundhog Day. Just the same thing over and over. Trust me, as someone who lives in a different kind of Groundhog Day scenario, I get it all too well. But, truly, even if you can't get behind the game itself, there's always the commercials and the food. In honor of the big game that will be shoved down our collective throats for at least the next 72 hours, I thought why not make the most of it with five fun things. These things will either enhance your Super Bowl 52 experience or just be (hopefully) entertaining for about 5 minutes.

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