5 Ways I'm Spring Cleaning...My Life

It's hard feeling like I'm consistently in a funk. I previously shared a post about spring cleaning, and it got me thinking. If I spend so much time cleaning and organizing the places I inhabit (and even my car!), why can't I do the same with my life? Maybe this doesn't make sense in the slightest, but I started thinking about everything that becomes overwhelming within the span of one year. Some have to do with my digital space and others physical places. Either way, it feels like a breath of fresh air. So, here's how I'm currently spring cleaning my life.

spring cleaning my life

spring cleaning my life

Decluttering My Inbox

Inboxes are one of the most cluttered things in anyone's life. Hello, marketing emails! How's it going strange newsletter I never signed up for but somehow get? It can seem like a daunting task to get rid of these emails, but there are helpful tools for unsubscribing. Because I check my email frequently, it was easy to create an unsubscribe/ keeping system to narrow down the number of emails that hit the handy promotional tab. Keep anything interesting or worth reading and let everything else go. Take it one step further by creating a filing system to easily locate important things quickly.



Cleaning Up My Workspace

Working from home, it's easy to be tempted by a comfortable bed. Hey, it's much better than a desk or chair right? Of course, a workspace is a fairly normal thing to have and is very good for productivity. That said, it can accumulate a lot of stuff. Go through notebooks and rip out old pages. Check if pens work. Throw away old receipts and bits of paper. Create a minimalistic space with only the essentials. Toss a motivational quote or funny quip up on the letterboard and get to work!



Purging My Phone & Computer

There's nothing like the dread that comes along with a full storage notification popping up on your phone. It's crazy how many screenshots, selfies, and other random photos phones can collect in a year. It's time to get rid of those and create space for all of the new stuff. I am incredibly guilty of not deleting old podcast episodes so don't forget those! They take up valuable space. Another good thing to purge during this time is social media feeds. Get rid of content and accounts that just don't serve you any longer. This makes room for more content that you enjoy and less content you don't don't. Plus, this really allowed me to get rid of people who once acted like my friends, but truly weren't. Hey, shit happens right? 



Inventory Checking + Refreshing

I noted in my spring cleaning to get rid of the expired goods that accumulate in cabinets and the refrigerator. I am the queen of hoarding old gelato containers with spoonfuls left that are so frozen the lid can't even be opened. Plus there are plenty of household items that could use a restock or just need to be thrown away (and replaced!). I use this time to take an inventory of things I typically forget about. How's my shower curtain doing? I could use a new towel rack. These are some of the easiest ways to refresh during spring. Tackling a closet is way more daunting than throwing out shampoo bottles and condiments. In any case, it's a really great excuse to go to Target...



Enjoying the Quiet

Consider this a digital detox. Quiet is one of the rarest things to find these days. It's important to disconnect from social media and just exist in the moment for awhile. Read a book or just sit quietly. It can help recenter the mind and be good for the soul. Everything moves so quickly these days that it can be hard to focus and it can take its toll on mental health. I know this is one of the major keys when it comes to understanding my funk. It's all too easy to compare myself to other people's highlight reel when feeling down. Everything always looks greener on the other side, and it's simple to convince yourself that you'll never be that, feel that, or have that.

Images: One | Two | Three | Four


5 Current Obsessions


What I'm Listening To, Volume 7