Lifestyle Nicole Bozzani Lifestyle Nicole Bozzani

Monthly Edit 05

I’ve been stricken with a cold. Well, at least I think it’s a cold. And I just couldn’t let a new month past without one of the most popular posts on this blog: The Monthly Edit. So let’s catch up with the best in style, design, food, and more.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

5 Ways I'm Spring Cleaning...My Life

It's hard feeling like I'm consistently in a funk. I previously shared a post about spring cleaning, and it got me thinking. If I spend so much time cleaning and organizing the places I inhabit (and even my car!), why can't I do the same with my life? Maybe this doesn't make sense in the slightest, but I started thinking about everything that becomes overwhelming within the span of one year. Some have to do with my digital space and others physical places. Either way, it feels like a breath of fresh air. So, here's how I'm currently spring cleaning my life.

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What I’m Listening To, Volume 43