Tackle Spring Cleaning Like An Expert


Well, I'm not a cleaning professional. Just a girl raised in a family filled with clean freaks and who suffers from a moderate case of OCD. Spring Cleaning is always an event for me. I love it because I take control of my environment, organize everything, and feel accomplished. You just don't realize how dirty things can get or how many things you can accumulate in one year. So I'm sharing some of the insights I've learned throughout the years.



Dust Anything and Everything

Cleaning surfaces is a regular cleaning activity, but it's time to really deep clean every surface. Dust is one of the most common allergens and it can irritate allergy sufferers (like myself). Look to the places you don't normally dust. I'm talking baseboards, under beds, and ceiling fans. Ceiling fans can literally be disgusting after use in the warmer months and need a deep clean. Always start cleaning from the top of the room to the very bottom. Vacuum ASAP to remove the dust and other allergens like pet dander from the room. After all this, you'll breathe a giant allergy free sigh of relief.



It's Time to Declutter

Over the span of a year, we can accumulate a lot of stuff which means clutter. Clothes that don't fit, trinkets that no longer serve a purpose, and that slightly broken piece of decor we swore we would fix but haven't. It's time for them to go. Label boxes or use Post-Its on piles. Choose what to keep, store, and trash. Once everything has been marked get to reorganizing. Put the keep pile away and trash anything that can't be donated to others. Sell your clothes online or donate them so they find a good home. Store away winter items like sweaters and heavy blankets in bins to make them easily found in the colder months.



Travel Room By Room

Whether you have an entire weekend, just one day, or simply an afternoon to take on your spring cleaning mission always move room to room. Accomplish everything you need to finish before moving onto the next. It will keep you from getting frazzled and overwhelmed. You'll be able to stay focused and pay attention to what you're doing. Make a small cleaning kit in a bucket or shower caddy to easily carry. Fill it with necessities like:

  • All Purpose Cleaner

  • Disinfecting Wipes

  • Rubber Gloves

  • An Old Toothbrush

  • A Sponge

  • Cloths

  • Shower and Bathroom Cleaner



Do a Serious Clean Out

Now is the time to defrost your fridge and throw out anything expired. Ladies this goes for your make up as well! Check all the bottles and jars sitting on the doors and way back on the shelves of your fridge. We forget even condiments and other goodies have expiration dates. Clean up the suitable jars and bottles and put them back where they belong. One of the biggest places I often overlook is my crisper drawer. Don't miss the rotten veggies that go unnoticed! Also, clean your shelves. The easiest, healthiest way is by using vinegar and water. Do not spray chemicals into a place where your food lives.



Make & Actually Use A List

Taking a few minutes to make a list makes all the difference when it comes to spring cleaning. It allows you to move faster, stay motivated, and finish everything. You won't miss anything because there's a running tally and nothing is more gratifying than checking things off your list. Making a list really allows you to avoid missing the things you might overlook. I'm talking about the objects you bypass, move out of the way, or clean around. Think about your coffee maker, toaster, utensil holder, and anything else that collects grime daily. Don't forget the inside of your microwave and if you have time give a rinse to the inside of your garbage cans and recycle bins.

Extra pro-tip: clean your showerhead to get better water pressure. Grab a sandwich bag, fill it with a little vinegar, pop it over the head, and secure it with a rubber band. In 30 minutes, the gross mineral build up will be a thing of the past.

Image Credits: ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX


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