Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

So, I Tried Filmstruck...

Filmstruck is a streaming service that offers "contemporary and classic art house, indie, foreign, and cult films." It was created by the film lovers at Turner Classic Movies and the Criterion Collection. There's a pretty well stocked library of options across multiple genres, and even just scrolling genres seemed endless

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

4 "Iconic" Lifetime Movies

A few weeks back while enjoying homemade pizza we decided to check out whatever was airing on Lifetime that night. Lifetime has a pretty great reputation for making a steady stream of movies we love to hate. In fact they are so popular Lifetime established a movie network that runs almost 24/7 showing them off. They have just become one of those things you can turn on in the background or watch all day long while laying on the couch. They are just so addicting.

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