Summer Upgrades for Outdoor Spaces

There are a few times living in an apartment really sucks. The first, and most important, is you don’t get a say in how loud or annoying your neighbors may be. Do I enjoy listening to the same song for 45 minutes straight as it cascades into my office from the floor above me? Absolutely not. The second is not being able to entirely make the space your own. There are a lot of hindrances to design in rented spaces and while there are developments, like peel and stick wall decor, that make things a little bit easier, there is really only so much that can be done. One thing I really miss is having a yard with a pool - an Arizona staple.

Sure having a cute little patio is fun and easy to maintain, but I would love to put my stamp on a backyard, or sitting area, whatever the case may be. While I’m cautiously optimistic about that occurring someday, for now, I love to browse and look at incredible, beautiful outdoor spaces. Not to mention peruse my favorite home good sites for the latest and greatest in outdoor furniture and decor. I think my outdoor space would be comfortable, welcoming, and a place for entertaining. A space that is filled with stylish, modern touches but none that make guests feel stuffy. Another type of design style I’ve been browsing lately is those that have a much more European feel and would immediately transport guests to Italy or even France. With that in mind, I collected a hefty amount of outdoor inspiration and the best new furniture/decor to catch my eye lately.



Trend Report: Cutouts


A Weekly Dose of Outfit Inspiration 002