Q&A: What Do You Do When You're Not Feeling Motivated?


I hear you. There has been plenty of times over the last year and especially the last couple of months where I have just lacked the motivation to do anything. It’s not always the impending doom from a seemingly never-ending global pandemic, but other things like feeling overwhelmed with life or inadequate because of the illusions of others compared to myself. And I know I’m not the only one because I’ve had conversations about just this same topic and even the New York Times wrote an article a few months ago about “languishing.” Languishing is, according to them, a “feeling of stagnation and emptiness.” With the rise of the new variant and everything is constantly up in the air, this feeling is probably coming back strong for many or just never left in the first place.

Now I’m no expert and I would recommend if feelings or thoughts get to be too intrusive one finds someone to talk to whether professionally or with a family member or friend. Just be sure the family member or friend you choose isn’t too going through something. Be mindful. But I’ve learned a few things that work for me.

Get Moving

Working out is my non-negotiable. It’s a huge part of my morning routine and a boundary I set. It helps me wake up, start my day, and get the energy I need to get through the day. It makes me feel good and sets my day in motion. It doesn’t mean having to hit the gym for hours, even just taking a walk around the block helps to get the blood flowing and can get the brain in the right headspace to take on the necessary things each day brings. Not every day is going to be filled with activities one enjoys but they have to be done anyway. Getting active can boost energy and even confidence.

Try Something New

Sometimes life can feel like the same day happening over and over. That is when it’s time to try something new. If working inside is stuffy and you have space, head outside. Visit a new coffee shop, try watching a new show, take a different route to wherever you typically head for the day. It can be a little exciting and change up the day just a little bit. Working in a creative field being unmotivated can often mean just not feeling creative or inspired. I feel lucky there are so many content creators and bloggers around now that I can find endless streams of inspiration for both work and personally. Just seeing them in action is enough to encourage me to give it a go and add my own spin. It can even be fun.

Applaud Even the Smallest of Wins

I’ll be the first to admit, there are many days where I can’t find a “win.” I can find just about every reason to be disappointed in myself for not doing just ONE more thing. One of the worst feelings is being unmotivated and feeling like no matter what you do, it doesn’t matter. When it comes to working, this can be particularly awful because being less engaged in the work means it’s already set off on the wrong path. So what I am sure to do is sit at the beginning of each day with my day planner and pick tasks based on skill level and importance. That way when I accomplish those tasks that maybe I didn’t really want to do and would put off for later, I have a small win. Then when it comes to larger projects or tasks with more time and energy, I’m not as frustrated if they have to be finished or reassessed another day. It’s motivating and it helps me feel less stressed.

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