Parts of Quarantine I'd Really Like to Keep Around

I’ll admit I never really thought about experiencing a pandemic in my lifetime, but I don’t think anyone else really did either. Watching it slowly overtake the globe last year was, for lack of a better word, strange. I feel lucky that my personality leans more toward introverted so the shift to being stuck at home wasn’t that…difficult. I did have times where I was concerned about my overall mental health and going back to behaviors I finally had shed through the years. But, I did what had to be done to protect my health and the health of others. I stayed at home, went on walks instead of the gym, watched all the Criterion Channel movies I optimistically added to my list and never watched, and I started to get inspired again through TikTok.

Looking back on it a little over a year later, and I’ve said this a million times before, I think life coming to a screeching halt really forced me to take some time and figure out what I really valued not to mention rest and recharge. It really gave me time to figure out what I want in life and especially what is missing. I hope that as things ease back into whatever normal we have now it becomes easier to make plans and finally figure out how to fix those missing pieces. There are a few things that I enjoyed looking back on it that I hope can continue going forward.

A Change Of Pace

There is a viral post I’ve seen everyone sharing about how we used to float from happy hour to networking event to this and that with ease. Now that just seems kinda crazy. With all of these events and most of life being canceled or put on hold, we’ve been able to adjust our time accordingly. Prioritizing activities and setting boundaries for work became much easier although sometimes it was a struggle. With so much spare time on your hands, why not just keep working? I enjoy having more time to spend on things that make me happy. Dedicating time to those going forward is just as important to me now and I hope that I can continue to have those boundaries in place.

Small Creature Comforts

At one point making a grocery or Target pick up order was the highlight of my week. I would even add special treats to my order like gelato or frozen cookie dough balls. Other times deciding to create special meals or cook something new meant loading up my order with new treats to try. These tiny little rewards became creature comforts. They lifted my mood and I started to look forward to them. Enjoying a nice cup of gelato after a Zoom meeting was my way to treat myself and wind down. I would love to keep these small indulgences around even if they take new forms. Who am I to say no to making a new dip or enjoying a new cheese before dinner?

The Walks

I will be the very first to admit, I do not miss my morning walks outside. Battling leaf blowers, allergies, dust, and the heat got old really quickly. My days started later because I was either worn out from the heat or had to wait for the sun to fully rise so it would be warm enough to walk. It also took me much longer to achieve the same mileage I can achieve on the treadmill. But if there is one thing I want to keep around it’s - Hot Girl Walks. A Hot Girl Walk is a phenomenon I saw on TikTok where you do nothing but have a confidence-building walk. You listen to tunes you love and that make you feel amazing. Don’t think about anything else not drama, work, what you’re gonna eat for lunch - nothing. If you can you don’t even look at your phone for as long as you want (usually 30 minutes). I’ve adapted this to my treadmill walks and it really helps my mood for the day (usually).

Sense of Community

I know for a year we’ve heard about how we are all in this together and blah blah, but recently while having a conversation I realized through the past year we have really cemented community with those that matter the most to us. Many people have been weeded out of our lives while others have been welcomed in through new ways. Maybe it’s even regaining contact with those who live far away through Zoom Happy Hours or watching Pride and Prejudice via Google Hangout (like we did!). At times, even still, it’s easy to feel so alone. I hope the quality time we spent with those that matter most sticks around.

A Burst of Creativity

Through the pandemic, so many creative people created content we absorbed like crazy. Whether it was an Instagram live show, a club, or just starting a TikTok there has been such amazing creative stuff being made. I was inspired to try new things and even get back into making this blog a priority of mine. I’ve written many a post in the past year about how my everyday job can often lead to creative stalemates, but when I started getting inspired by others I found myself getting back into a personal groove. We all kinda had a little glow-up, right? It helps to have found so many other people willing to teach, help, and support each other along the way. I hope that continues going forward.


My Picks for May


Style Staple: Summer Linen