Kitchens That Will Make You Want A Serious Upgrade

I, like many, have spent way too much time watching HGTV. How can anyone not enjoy the hours of couples with unrealistic expectations hunting for homes or couples bickering because they have two completely different design styles? I still think my favorite was one episode where the designer was stuck in the middle and every decision the husband tried to make to incorporate what he liked, the wife would immediately call the designer and change. It was both entertaining and infuriating to watch. When I saw a post on a design blog about colored cabinets, colorful kitchens, and the trendy ways to say goodbye to white (and grey) I was immediately reminded of that episode. Of course, every designer tries as they might get homeowners to choose some type of interesting cabinet, but 8 times out of 10 it seems like they always end up some shade of white.

But the more I looked at photos and ended up going into a deep rabbit hole the more I realized that colored cabinets can be pretty darn cool when done right. The only caveat is that you do have to focus on picking the right color. There are trendy colors but it’s important to make sure that you’re happy with your choice so you don’t have to keep on changing it. Along with this dose of inspiration, I included paint swatches that would be really good colors to look into even on say a kitchen island. Now if only I could update these ugly old cabinets in my apartment…

ColorPalette-Kitchen Cabinets.png

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