How Do You Get Out of a Funk?

Over the last year, we have all gone through a lot. But as things begin to shift into whatever our new, new normal is, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and filled with anxiety. This past month has been pretty tough for me especially. A lot of personal things happened and no matter how hard I tried to lift myself up, it always felt like a raincloud was following me around. It was constantly over my head and no one else’s. I have just been in a funk and really unsure how to get out of it.

I would say things have gotten better, but sometimes I still feel that raincloud. Like when my little doggie, Chloe, had to have jaw surgery after a run-in with a pitbull. Things happen, they aren’t always great, and that’s okay even if it doesn’t feel okay. I am still trying to keep my head up and remind myself that sometimes these feelings are just like clouds. The sky will clear eventually even if only temporarily. But, there are things that help when I’m feeling down and I thought I would share a few.

Quiet That Dumb Inner Voice

Our inner voice is there to help us when we really need it, but it’s not always the nicest. Mine can be a real Negative Nancy especially on a day where I’m already feeling down. It loves to tell me awful things, makes me compare myself to others, and completely discourages anything nice I might try to say to myself. The best way to attempt to combat this is by writing down every bad thing that inner voice is saying and then destroy it. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it can help get it out and let it go.


I love a good workout even if this kinda works against that whole pesky inner voice thing. I’m sure my brain can come up with plenty of less than kind things to say to me during a workout. Luckily, when I’m getting a good workout in I’m too focused on what I’m doing, the reps, and the music in my headphones. Exercising released endorphins that boost your mood which in turn can boost your self-confidence. Anything to silence that little inner voice. If you can’t fit in a whole workout, take a 30 minute “hot girl walk.” The Hot Girl Walk is an idea I saw on TikTok that is 30 minutes of just walking, music, and enjoying being the hot girl you are. No boys. No negative thoughts. No drama. Just you.



I’ve been doing this one from a very young age without realizing it. I think I’ve even written countless blogs on my yearly spring cleaning purges. There is just something comforting and less stressful about a clean space. When you’re in a funk it’s all too easy to just let things pile up. I always let this happen, but bad vibes cling to clutter my friend. And my clutter seems to be the most random bunch of things from my bathroom to my desk and even my dresser. So I always take an afternoon and clean it up. Throw out what isn’t serving me, put away what I need to keep, light a candle, and then relax.

Get Up and Get Dressed

If you take one tiny piece of advice from this post, it needs to be this one. You’ve heard of “fake it till you make it,” and it works wonders. Even if it’s just temporary just getting up and putting on your favorite ‘fit (no, not sweatpants) can do so much for your self-esteem. I always make a point to find a good outfit that makes me feel better. You don’t have to dress to the nines, but getting out of sweats or pajamas can make a world of difference. Go outside, find a random location, and take some photos for the Gram. You got this.


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