The 2021 Holiday Baking Recipe Round Up!

With December off to a running start, I find myself going back and forth with my Holiday Spirit. Sometimes I’m feeling super festive and other times I just feel blah. Like there just isn’t enough time to get everything done and there is just too much going on to get into the spirit. One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking. It holds a special place in my heart remembering when we were kids, made a huge mess with molasses making gingerbread and my aunt vowed we would NEVER make those again. As an adult, every year I would always help my grandma put together her perfect baked good tins and trays. The ones she would give as gifts or as little heartwarming treats to friends and family. She wasn’t much of a baker, so I always made her look good - and she kept the compliments! With my grandma being gone now, there are much less baked good to make, but I always try to make at least a couple including her favorites. On top of all the festive fun, I’m a stress baker by nature. Probably since it’s the one thing I can have full control over which means every year there is a cookie or two that makes their way into the world that everyone gets to enjoy.

Since my Christmas spirit has been coming and going, I decided to get into the spirit and get motivated to bake some stuff. You know, instead of just liking yummy looking photos of cookies and cakes all over Instagram. Here is a round up of everything that looks delicious enough for me to make a giant kitchen mess for and would make a great contribution or gift this holiday season.


Style Staple: Sweatshirts


Surprise! My November Picks Are Here!