Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

April Life Mantras

A new month always feels optimistic to me. That's a little strange given how pessimistic I can be. There's still a small part of me believes in the endless possibility of positive things that can happen in a new month. Okay, maybe this month it's because nearly every horoscope I curiously took a peek at said exciting things were coming. So head's up every Taurus, who isn't me, it's gonna be a good month for you! Cut to the end of the month where I'm super bummed and trying to be optimistic about May (my birthday, heyyyy).

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Spring Cleaning or Time to Reset?

Spring cleaning might be one of my favorite times of the year. That sounds really dumb and painful, right? I clean a lot because I am really obsessive-compulsive about clean spaces, but even I look forward to the deep clean. I mean, how else am I going to discover the half eaten bag of Reese's pumpkins from Halloween hiding out in my pantry? But this post is about a different spring cleaning...more like hitting the reset button.

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Fashion & Style Nicole Fashion & Style Nicole

Hairstyles to Change Things Up

There's two times I get incredibly bored with myself: the beginning of the year and when something happens that makes me feel like I just need a change. It's the beginning of the new year so naturally I'm bored with my hair. I think it's too long and too dull (despite the pretty highlights near the bottom), so I've been browsing for ways to change up my hair.

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