Let's Hibernate


Winter kinda sucks right? Being cold is terrible and, well, being from the desert makes it worse. Any morning when it is below 50 you’ll find me in about…4 layers and don’t ever underestimate how cranky I can be when it’s in the 30s. But there are plenty of reasons to love winter..and I’d say the main one is that the daily temperature doesn’t rise over 70 (and certainly doesn’t get to be 100+ which is a treat).

One of the worst things about winter is I don’t want to do anything. If I so much as feel cold for 3 seconds I just want to sit still and do nothing which is hard when you’re a constant moving type-A personality who doesn’t understand what “relax” means. Hello, welcome to my weather blog. But truth be told, during the holidays when it seems like I have all the time off in the world, I really never got a second to just…do nothing. The holidays are busy. There are tons of time spent with family and friends. I even had projects to catch up on because…well, see above. But now that we are in January, all I want to do is hunker down in a hole and hibernate.

It hasn’t happened yet and much like other things I don’t think it will. Wishful thinking I suppose…




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