3 Things I'm Really Not Missing At All Right Now


Every day I find myself saying “the world is weird” at least once. Usually brought on by some sickening news briefing, something utterly stupid occurring, or just having to do something I never thought I would have to do. During this whole situation its all too easy to make a list of things I wish I could be doing or things I really took for granted when I could do them. That said, it kinda feels frivolous and wrong to even begin thinking of all things I’m pretty content with not doing currently.

Let’s just take a brief hiatus from the new normal and talking about how scary, uncomfortable, and thoroughly upsetting the whole thing is to talk about some things I’m totally fine with not having to deal with right now.


I have spent more time than I ever want to admit sitting in traffic. Whether it’s going to the office or running errands there is just a mass amount of people. Especially in Arizona during the warmer months, you just can’t escape them. But, now with quarantine, there are so many fewer people. This is frankly bittersweet. Not only can I get to the essential places I need to go, but that means people are actually paying attention to the rules.

Being “Busy”

I use quotations because I always have the sense I need to be doing something. I can’t ever be sitting still. I’m constantly starting new projects, catching up on something, or planning something. With all of this spare time, I find myself cutting back just a little bit. I’ve relaxed my go, go, go attitude and have made far fewer to-do lists. I spread my time out and somehow everything gets done on time. I don’t feel like such a frazzled mess and I hope that once quarantine is over, I can continue this trend of not over-extending myself.


I know. This a pretty insane one for someone who lives and breathes music and loves concerts, but the truth is I hate crowds. They make me anxious and nervous. Not even just large crowds like concerts, but crowded areas of the grocery store can be really uncomfortable. I just want to get what I need and get outta there quick, Shopping for essential products has become some cattle call where, despite the need to social distance, there is always some kind of crowding around. So they aren’t gone from my life entirely, but I’ll be much more content when I don’t have to rush past people huddling together over massive piles of paper towels.

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The Quarantine Comfort Edit
