The 2022 Swimwear Guide

Swimsuit season is here for better or worse. I always feel conflicted about it given, well body issues a plenty, but I have decided to embrace. Unfortunately that hasn’t been the greatest for my wallet since I have bought a few swimsuits already this season and have my eyes set on a couple more. Swimwear can be difficult. There are many reasons for that whether it be lack of confidence, an unfortunately long torso, or even just never finding the right ones. But, when you do find the perfect suit it can be a game changer. Swimsuits have been gracing my Instagram feed for a few weeks now and I have seen so many amazing ones. My goal this year is to throw caution to the wind and get the suits I love rather than live in envy or wishing I could rock those ones too. Luckily there is no shortage of trendy swimsuits this year that you’re about to see everywhere. Some are much cooler than others and some just belong on the right kind of person. Either way there is surely going to be a suit style or two in here that you’ll be begging to add to your seasonal rotation.








Your 2022 Summer Style Starter Kit


Trend Report: Cutouts