5 Things You NEED To Get Rid of Right Now


There is Spring Cleaning and then there is “staying safe at home so I’m really going to use this time wisely” cleaning. I’ve seen so many people saying how this time has caused them to obsessively stress clean because it’s a way to at least try and control something. Whether that is healthy or not is really up for discussion, but it’s happening…even to me. I’m actually pretty surprised I haven’t had the “Nicole has lost her mind and purged 75% off her life” clean yet. But I think that’s because doing that creates a giant mess, and my anxiety can’t handle another stressful mess right now.

This time kinda seems like a natural time to do all the things we never do or put off for later. Purging things and going Kon Mari on your house can do wonders for the mind and spirit, but there are a few things people don’t really realize they need to get rid of periodically. These are 5 things that you should get rid of right now.

Canned Goods, Herbs, and Spices

There are a few kitchen staples we rarely forget to check on: our canned goods, herbs, and spices. Lately, everyone has seemingly been hoarding canned goods like crazy, but I would implore you to check expiration dates and only keep canned goods you know you’re going to consume. If you can’t find a recipe to use it in or way to utilize it, consider donating to a place that could really use it. Herbs and spices also go bad over time. Check the jars and make sure everything is in good condition. While the containers may be cute, the contents inside may not be usable anymore and just taking up valuable space.

Anything Creating Unnecessary Clutter

Look around the room. Are there any objects you never touch, use, or even notice taking up space? Are they creating unnecessary clutter on your bookshelf or cabinet? It’s probably time to say goodbye. Accent pieces and decor are super great and give your room personality. The problem comes when we change up our styles or find something new we absolutely love. We just add these newer items to the room and forget all about the old which creates a clutter problem. Which leads me to my next point…

Anything You Haven’t Used in Six Months

Sure, you have some great stuff in your home, but if you haven’t so much as touched it in 6 months, you probably don’t need it anymore. This one is often easier said than done. But look around, is there anything you haven’t used or even noticed in awhile? How about that lip gloss you bought but don’t love? The top you swore you’d wear last time you found it in your closet but never did? The coffee mug that’s about 2 seconds from breaking but you insist it’s still useful? Give it a toss.

Next Season’s Clothes

When it comes to cleaning out our closets, we typically just go item by item and decide whether or not to keep it. Focus on next season’s clothing instead. It helps decide what you’re actually going to wear next season versus what you THINK you’re gonna wear. And, if you’re like me, it helps with moving items around (like when I move all the tank tops and short sleeves to the front to move the sweaters backward). Plus, if you plan to sell your clothing online with an app or a service like ThredUp, your sales are more likely to increase and items accepted if they are going into or are in season. No one (probably, idk your life) is really buying sweaters in the dead of summer. And by doing it seasonally, you’ll know which pieces you need to supplement your wardrobe better as you need them. Yay shopping!

Makeup & Skincare

Yes, makeup and skincare have expiration dates! Just because they sit around awhile doesn’t mean you can just keep using them. Makeup collects bacteria and you’re just putting it all over your face. Gross, I know. Summer is almost here so check the expiration date of your sunscreen. This is crucial because they don’t work, or work as well, after a certain date. This is especially true with lotion sunscreen. You don’t want to have a false sense of security while enjoying whatever fun you can have outside. Oh, and another thing, look at the inside of your shower. All those extra bottles you never touch? You probably don’t need them. Give them a quick toss and see how fabulous your shower looks now.

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