Albums of the Year 2016


Well, another year has come to a close and tradition states I must choose my favorite albums of the year. I'm not really sure how this tradition started for me personally, but it's been a source of interest for a bit now. I like a wide variety of music, which should be apparent on this blog by now, but if you're new here (hi!) there's a lot to choose from.

I tried pretty hard not to choose a bunch of pretty popular albums this year because I often feel like those are a given. I mean who didn't listen to Lemonade 600 times in a row? Plus choosing lesser-known albums gives people a chance to check out some things they haven't heard of before. It would just be lying to say I didn't listen to more popular music as well. I'm really looking forward to all the new music coming in 2017 plus the adventures that are coming in the year ahead. I wish everyone the best in the new year! 

Below you'll find my favorite albums of 2016 + a mini sampler of tracks from each in playlist format.

Link to Playlist

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2017 Wellness Resolutions


Songs of 2016