Welcome + Mixtape No 1


As I sat here mid-afternoon snacking on the remnants of a hollow chocolate bunny, it occurred to me I should probably actually post something to this blog. If I never post anything the blog never happened. That's a real saying right? (It's not.) I figured I'd start with something I do on a regular basis for myself: mixtapes.

Sure, the mixtape is a long forgotten art, usually has a theme, and isn't really done virtually with the likes of Spotify. But this is 2016 so I'm working with what the technology Gods bestowed on civilization. There's really no rhyme or reason to this particular mix of songs or any mix really.

My music philosophy is simple: I listen to what I want. That's everything from classic rock to the current pop on the hits radio station. I have an affinity for hip-hop, and most of my formative years were spent listening to 80s New Wave, indie rock, & whatever was popular during the Emo Wave. I will admit when something is good even if it means people laughing in my face. Life is way too short to hide the things you like and its way to short to make fun of things other people like. That said, most people find me really easy to read or guess at based on my appearance (which often times, I've heard fits a specific stereotype that begins with the letter h and ends in 'ipster'). At the end of the day, I just throw songs I am liking at the moment together in a playlist for my commute, when work gets too quiet to think, or just for fun.

I like sharing them sometimes so if this is our first musical meeting you just have to trust me. You are bound to find something you like. If you know me in regular human life, you already know the deal. Odds are I've talked your ear off about at least one of these songs or played it for you in my car.

So enjoy.

  1. Genghis Kahn - Miike Snow

  2. Paper Dolls - Real Estate

  3. Gone - Jr Jr

  4. All Day All Night - Moon Taxi

  5. Sober - Childish Gambino

  6. Waves (Tame Impala Remix) - Miguel

  7. BeFoUr - Zayn

  8. It Hurts Until It Doesn't - Mothers

  9. A Woman's Wisdom - Wild Nothing

  10. High Dive - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness

  11. Untitled 06 | 06.30.2014 - Kendrick Lamar

  12. Water - Ra Ra Riot & Rostam

  13. Soundcheck - Catfish and the Bottlemen

  14. Needle and a Knife - Tennis

  15. Katachi - Shugo Tokumaru

  16. Walk to the One You Love - Twin Peaks

>> Play now on Spotify


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