Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Five for August

I always feel like all I do for posts on this blog is make lists, but I'm just really good at lists. They are really useful for combining tons of stuff all at once without me having to ramble on and on. It's the beginning of a new month (what the heck) so I thought I would try something new. Rather than sharing some of my favorite things from the month at the end of said month, I thought I would share some things everyone should know about at the beginning. Kind of like those release radar or things to do this month articles in magazines.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

The Time I Tried to Make a Summer Reading List

Every summer there's a thousand summer reading lists where people tell us what we should be reading. Everything from the hottest fiction book (which is apparently Rich People Problems) to those books that are supposed to make our lives better. I mentioned in my summer bucket list my intention to read 3 New York Times Best Sellers so, of course, that meant making a list of books I want to read. Here we are, it's nearly August, and I have yet to finish one. See, my intentions were good, but I have to try harder to accomplish this. Below you'll find some of the books I still plan to shove into what's left of my summer vacation.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love 002

Well, the weekend is finally upon us. I will be taking my heartbroken little self to see The Big Sick. This might possibly be a terrible idea considering it is being called one, if not the, greatest romantic comedy in some time. I suppose maybe there's an upside or some wishful thinking that maybe, just maybe, it will all work out someday. Who knows? If all else fails I will simply embarrass myself with a full on public cry.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Surviving the Heat: Summer Wellness

Initially when I sat down to write this post I wanted to share some things I do to beat the crazy heat during the summer. Shortly I realized it's slightly different for everyone and the biggest tip of them all really is just to stay inside and avoid it all. Then I realized maybe it's best to just share some of the wellness ideas I'm currently incorporating into my life instead. It's summer and I'm currently existing in the harsh Arizona hellscape so I guess these are currently my best tips for surviving the heat.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Summer Bucket List

Summertime as an adult takes a lot more effort than it did when I was a kid. There's so many more things that require attention as an adult. I can't just wake up, eat some pancakes, watch MTV, and then hang out in the pool all day. Now if I'm lucky I might get a little vacation or staycation, but usually my time, like many, is spent working. But what about the weekend? Doing more fun adult things like laundry. Given it's mid-July I feel like I haven't made enough time for summer fun.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Links I Love

It's Friday and technically the weekend. Well at least as far as I'm concerned because I'll be taking the weekend off to heal from some lame health stuff. Rather than leave this blog lacking updates I thought I would do something I've done on previous blogs that was pretty well received: Links I Love. Basically, Links I Love, is just that. Links of things you should read, know about, listen to, etc for the weekend ahead. Little slices of the web that peak my interest I want to share with you.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Twin Peaks

There's a nostalgia wave hitting television which I'm all for but slightly against. There are plenty of completely unnecessary reboots hitting airwaves at a steady pace. A couple of weeks back one of my favorite shows, Twin Peaks, made its television return on Showtime. Twin Peaks began airing on ABC in 1990 and has become a cult classic (it has even been considered one of televisions greatest dramas).

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Beat the Heat City Guide

Summer is in full swing and sometimes it can feel impossible to find anything to do. Not even find something to do but find the energy to go outside in the sweltering heat. Still there are some pretty cool things to do and places to try out. I'm not one for water parks or even floating on the river (been there done that) so these are some fun places to hang out this summer.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Monthly Edit: May

May has been a pretty weird one. Between celebrating my birthday multiple times and finishing off the semester, I'm feeling pretty exhausted. I didn't know I could feel so emotionally and physically drained, but here we are. I hope the cosmos have some really great things in store for me in June because who knows how much more I can take. So while I hope for some good universe alignment to come my way, I managed to find some things that were pretty cool this month to enhance the lives of others.

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