Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Spring Cleaning or Time to Reset?

Spring cleaning might be one of my favorite times of the year. That sounds really dumb and painful, right? I clean a lot because I am really obsessive-compulsive about clean spaces, but even I look forward to the deep clean. I mean, how else am I going to discover the half eaten bag of Reese's pumpkins from Halloween hiding out in my pantry? But this post is about a different spring cleaning...more like hitting the reset button.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

What's In My Gym Bag?

It's now a staple in my life and I've officially become the girl that carries too many bags. Hey, they all serve a purpose and contain different things. Would I really put my gym necessities in with my work stuff? No. Plus, the original goal of the gym bag was to remove the random items from the confines of my car to one transportable place. Success.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Treat Yo Self

Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I know that I've said plenty of terrible things about it here on my blog. "For someone who sure dislikes sure write a lot about it!!" - everyone probably. But, really this is a guide for treating the one person in your life that matters most: yourself.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

Gift Guide: Galentine's Day

Valentine's Day is next week, and I won't even sit here and pretend love is super great. In fact, for the first time in my life I actually hate the word love and everything it encompasses. I am no longer the starry-eyed, hopeful girl I once was. The truth is even when you try your hardest and give everything you have to someone else, it doesn't always work out. I'm not a Debbie Downer but it sucks to feel isolated, alone, and unimportant. So if you're lucky in love, please do tell me your secrets.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

What On Earth Is Hygge?

Towards the end of the holiday season I was bombarded with emails about "hygge" and how I could bring the practice into 2017. I was intrigued by the concept purely by its name and realized it's an incredibly popular movement I knew nothing about. Suddenly every email about recipes that would get me feeling totally "hygge" or furniture that would make my apartment the ultimate "hygge" retreat made sense. Winter, being so dark and cold, can lead to seasonal depression and overall feeling of wanting to hibernate until the spring comes around.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

4 Podcasts to Improve Your Life

Podcasts are all the rage right now and it seems like everyone has one. There's literally one for every subject under the sun. My subscription list contains everything from true crime and politics to design and the Babysitter's Club (no seriously it exists!). One of the most popular subjects is health and wellness. There's nothing like having a modern-day radio program give you a new perspective on ways to improve your wellbeing.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole


January is the Monday of months. It's cold and dark. There aren't many movies out that aren't scraping the bottom of the barrel of ideas. Good new music is hard to come by. I don't feel like doing anything except hibernating in my bed. The gym is way too full (but will begin to taper out in the next couple weeks). But yet, the illusion is everything will be a fresh new start. A time to hit the reset button and start over.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

City Guide: Phoenix

My goal over the past couple years has been to get out and explore the city I live in. Seems like a pretty simple task, but it wasn't at first. Thankfully, I have two super great friends that frequently like to try out new places and things so they are never short on ideas. I realize there are actually a lot of really cool places especially in the Downtown area which is changing its reputation. It's becoming a really awesome hub for cool places to go and things to see

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