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Monthly Edit: May

May has been a pretty weird one. Between celebrating my birthday multiple times and finishing off the semester, I'm feeling pretty exhausted. I didn't know I could feel so emotionally and physically drained, but here we are. I hope the cosmos have some really great things in store for me in June because who knows how much more I can take. So while I hope for some good universe alignment to come my way, I managed to find some things that were pretty cool this month to enhance the lives of others.

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole


January is the Monday of months. It's cold and dark. There aren't many movies out that aren't scraping the bottom of the barrel of ideas. Good new music is hard to come by. I don't feel like doing anything except hibernating in my bed. The gym is way too full (but will begin to taper out in the next couple weeks). But yet, the illusion is everything will be a fresh new start. A time to hit the reset button and start over.

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