Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

So, I Tried Filmstruck...

Filmstruck is a streaming service that offers "contemporary and classic art house, indie, foreign, and cult films." It was created by the film lovers at Turner Classic Movies and the Criterion Collection. There's a pretty well stocked library of options across multiple genres, and even just scrolling genres seemed endless

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Lifestyle Nicole Lifestyle Nicole

My Criterion Collection Selections

Wow that's quite a few "tion" words, isn't it?  The Criterion Collection is one of my favorite things to ever exist. The Criterion Collection collects the most popular films and packages them with tons of exclusive extras for film lovers to enjoy. They are mastered for the greatest watching quality and new additions are made monthly. The collection has evolved as technology has changed and is currently available for streaming on Filmstruck. There is an expansive variety of directors, countries, and films to choose from.

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