Sunday Style: What I'm Currently Wearing At Home


I will admit, I’m pretty deeply opposed to Arizona “re-opening.” Especially since we are now seeing an alarming growth trend I really would rather not be a part of. So, it’s safe to say I’m sticking with my only going out for essentials or when I’m required. The images of people partying in bars and just deciding to not wear a mask because “it’s going to get you anyway,” is enough to make me want to lose my mind…daily.

My at-home style really hasn’t changed much other than I wear far fewer jeans. Which, let’s be honest, is a real blessing when it’s 100+ degrees outside nearly every day now. It’s also pretty freeing not to send my bank account into a descent of madness looking at summer sales to overfill my closet with. Fewer places to go = less thought put into my clothes and learning to love much of what I already have.

So here are 5 of my current go-to at-home outfits for working out, working, and lounging around (probably playing Nintendo).


Morning walk/workout go-to


Relaxed work from home attire


Relaxing & browsing around the internet chic


Rock n’ roll casual


What do you mean we had a Zoom meeting scheduled?


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