
I honestly can’t believe I’m sitting here writing this in the midst of a pandemic where we’ve been asked to literally stay home. I’ve intended to update my site more but got swamped with a wave of work and then when things took a crazy turn..it just felt like I had a green light on all the projects I’ve been putting off. So really just starting one and never finishing it before running to yet another. Cool. Being an introvert, I was pretty made for these times but I do miss having my access to the gym. It’s a huge part of my day and, because I work from home a lot, the way I get most of my anxious energy out. But I’ll make due because this whole deal is pretty f*cking scary. What little part of me is optimistic is hoping it’s all over soon and with much better results than everyone seems to think will be coming.

Given that we have received pretty much direct orders to stay inside at all costs other than a few allowable activities, stir-crazy can set in…and probably will very soon. There is only so much trashy tv (or in my case Supermarket Sweep reruns) one can watch, right? Plus there is the whole having to work from home thing which may be easier for some than others. Overall, it’s just a huge change to make (for a good reason) and it takes…adjustment like anything else would. I do know that does absolutely nothing when it comes to built up energy which can have a negative effect on mental health.

So after a request, I created a playlist that is over two hours long and contains 40 upbeat songs that will let you (and me) dance, exercise, scream along, or whatever the case may be. It’s a mixture of classic tunes, popular pop, and some under the radar tunes. There really is something for everyone whether you just turn it on in the background and let it play or use it to boost your mood.

Hit shuffle and enjoy the next two hours!


Q&A: How Do You Stay Productive?
